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Week06. Electronics Design

1. Assignment and Result

About the process, I made new page and made links are below, because the long page makes me confuse.

- use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board Process -> Kitakagaya: Week6 Electronics Design
- My work: Use the oscilloscope RIGOL DS1054 to observe the operation of Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 and micro:bit
- design a development board to interact and communicate with an embedded microcontroller
PROCESS -> Kicad
- Design my own main board of final project, using Kicad and Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3.
- Check the datasheet of Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
- extra credit: try another design workflow -
- extra credit: make a case for it -
- extra credit: simulate its operation -

2. Prototype1: Main Board for Final Project

2-1) Schematic

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2-2) Board design / HEROSHOT

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2-3) BOM

Parts Quantity reference
Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 1 -
PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD 2 for LCD & RFID2 module
PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD 1 for Power
Resistor 0ohm 2 for instead of Jamper

2-4) Pinout of Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3

The Pinout and component overview in link. alt text alt text

2-5) pull up resistor for SDA and SCL

There is a pull-up resistor built into the RFID2 module. For the LCD (AE-AQM1602A_KIT), it also had a jumper pad to enable the pull-up resistor, and I did it to be enable. Therefore, I did not need pull-up resistors for these two I2C devices on the board circuit.

Reference URL:

3. My Thought

  • I think that Electronics Design is one of the most difficult tasks that required a lot of effort, because I had to look up datasheets, and find out which electronic components should be used and look for the circuit is correct.
  • In my case, it took a very long time to be able to design electronic board.
  • Below is my note, to looked for the electronic parts during Pre-study. alt text
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  • I knew that I need pre-study before FabAcademy, so I started learning from last August 2022. First, I looked and search the rule of electrical parts with the 2022 Electronics Design class page. Then, I watched the video of class to learn more, but I have many thing that I didn't understand. I search again on websites, it was annoy time to find beginner level site that I can understand. During learning, muRata- Electronic Components site(Japanese) helps me a lot.
  • As I was researching, I saw videos of them short-circuiting, which also scared me.
  • After that, I learned the basics of electronic circuits and Kicad at a e-leaning site (udemy) and took on this Fab Academy, but I am still struggling with electrical design. I need more study for electronics design. I hope I can get used to do it, and continue enjoy this work.
  • I had never used an oscilloscope before, so I learned a lot about the procedure and how to use it through group work for the first time. I still need to learn more to be able to use the oscilloscope.