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Project management & Principles and Practices

Week01 of Fab Academy!
-Principles and Practices Video/Class page
-Project management Video/Class page


1-1) Project management

  • work through a git tutorial
  • Build a personal website describing you and your final project. Refer to the lecture material for examples.
  • Upload Principles and Practices and Project Management, to the class archive.
  • Signed and uploaded Student Agreement

1-2) Principles and Practices

  • Plan and sketch a potential final project

2. PC working environment

  • PC:MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)
  • OS: macOS Monterey (ver 12.6)
  • Terminal:zsh
  • Setting : Rosetta

NOTE: Rosetta" for M1
When using Homebrew to install software, the intel version of Homebrew and the arm version of Homebrew have different software installation folders, which caused startup problems with some software. Although It seems to be usable with fine control, I changed the settings of my Mac to a Rosetta mode, considering my computer skills and the purpose of my work.

3. The flow to creat my site

The flow is as follows.

3-1) only first time

  1. Setup Gitlab SSH key
  2. Installing Mkdocs
  3. Installing Visual Studio code
  4. Clone (Copy) my Academy Personal Repository
  5. In clone at local, create new project with Mkdocs.
  6. Customize mkdocs.yml.
  7. Exclude .DS_Store from commit (for mac M1)

3-2) Usual work cycle

  1. At local, add and edit file (extension:*.md) using MkDocs, Visual Studio code, and Markdown.
  2. At local server, confirm my site view using Mkdocs serve
  3. Upload file to remote repository with git
  4. Check website view

NOTE: - The flow is shown above.
- Since the details are voluminous, I created a page for each tool. (ex: assignments->Week01->Gitlab, etc)

4. Final project plan

My final plan is here(First idea section).Runtime checker

5. Personal Impressions

  • I did 5 months of Spartan pre-training before Fab Academy, as this fabacademy need many skills that I don't know. The training was making board and making site about my big weekpoint. The skills helps me a lot for this week.
  • My Final Project starting to take shape with sketches and plan.
  • To making my site, the tutorials and ex fabacademy students sites helps me a lot.
  • Git, Mkdocs and Visual Studio code are quite useful. I would like to know more and more.

- DevOps platform (Japanese)
- Git Simple Cheat Sheet on fabcloud
- GIt Tutorial on Fablab Kamakura
- Kurumi Shiowaki - Fabacademy 2022

- tutorials on fabcloud
- tutorials for mkdocs on fabcloud
- Themes
- Configuration
- code-blocks
- flow by Miyashin(Japanese) blog
- Homebrew (Japanese) blog

- Markdown Cheat Sheet
- Markdown Crash Course on Youtube

What is path?
- What is path? (Japanese)
- Pass: absolute vs elative (Japanese)