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Work log - Week 9 - March 23, 2022

Wednesday - 3/23

Check out Fusion 360 - MoldFlow


Attended Class and continued to work on some of my electronic boards trying to learn how to better program them.

Spent the day making some scans of different objects and playing around with different ideas for mold making.

Thursday - 3/24

Worked on group projects, spent a lot of time documenting them. We managed to get the CNC group project done today.

Discovered a ton of tricks when it comes to manipulating meshes. I had some very dirty meshes from a very quick and dirty 3d scanning session. I used Meshlab, Fusion 360, and Prusa Slicer. Each has it’s pros and cons.

Friday - 3/25

Met with Adam and Cori at Reynolds Advanced Materials, bought our supplies for Casting and Molding. We learned a lot from the salesman on hand. We think we got the correct materials.

Cori and I headed back to the CPCC Fab Lab and we managed to get the group project done.

We spent most of the day working on this as well as our individual projects, but we got quite a bit done.

For more on this, see the group project page for Week 10.

Saturday - 3/26

Continued to work on Molding and Casting week.

Worked on a lot of Modeling and CAM’ing of parts to prepare for machining. Went through a number of design iterations. For more on cleaning up models and the CAM, see this week’s assignment.

dunny cam 1

Figured out that I’m going to go for a 3 part mold, and to save a lot of time and work, I’ll be milling out a mold, but one small part for the insert will be 3d printed.

Sunday - 3/27

Spent a lot of time working on the Molds and Casting projects. Even designed a second and third mold, just for fun.

Worked on Documenting everything.

Spent about an hour or two tracking down an error that’s been bothering me for almost a month. I couldn’t get the simple “echo” board (you type over a serial connection and it just spits it right back to you over serial) to work. I was mostly sure it wasn’t a hardware issue, as I could get the board to do other things.

I spent a long time, and finally realized that the programmer board that we used for UPDI programming had a default for it’s serial connection of “8E2” (8 bits, even parity, 2 stop bits.) and because I’ve played around enough with serial connections (and also because it says it in the program comments) I changed it to “8N1” and this worked. I was finally able to read serial data from one of my boards.

This took too much time to figure out, and was a pain in the butt, but it was worth it. I need to communicate with these boards for data collection over serial, so now I know it’s not my boards, and it’s a very simple fix.

Here’s the info in Week 7.

Monday - 3/28

I was able to stay after work and managed to machine my mold for the handle holder. Even mixed and poured the resin. It came out great.

Tuesday - 3/29

Started working on another mold, and continued documentation.

Last update: April 30, 2022