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Work log - Week 13 - April 20, 2022

Wednesday 4/20

I did not do a good job of keeping track of what I did this week. Basically I spent most of the week recovering from the last two weeks.

Thursday 4/21

Friday 4/22

Looked through the FabLab inventory, didn’t find too much in ways of sensors. We’re rather lacking here. We’ll have to add some inventory.

Saturday 4/23

Frustrating day working with what I could find. My rotary encoders which I’ll be using for my final project didn’t work with the attiny412 boards I designed specifically for this purpose. Found an DHT22 Temperature and Humidity sensor, couldn’t get it to work with my attiny412. Spent hours on all of this. Hated this weekend.

Sunday 4/24

Spent a long frustrating day trying to get the sensors to work. Had very luck until I stumbled upon a hall effect unit in my electronics bin. I could actually read it. Yay?

Monday 4/25

Made a bunch of boards after class this evening.

Made an Satshakit Arduino board

Made a copy of Neil’s GPS board using an attiny1614

Made a copy of Neil’s Attin412 Hall Effect sensor board

Soldered an extra hall effect sensor chip to just add as a sensor to my other boards

Re-flowed the ADXL343 accelerometer for the umpteenth time.

Tuesday 4/26

I don’t recall.

Last update: April 30, 2022