Week 04

Electronics Production

And here we are, the main reason I join Fab Academy. This week we will learn about electronics production! This will be one of the week where I have almost no experience at all regarding the topic.

In the class, Neil list down all the methods electronics are produced nowadays. We start from more common methods like etching, machining, and laser cutting, to more unique methods like vinyl cutting, printing with conducting inks, and even sewing. The method that we will be using is going to be machining using a CNC milling machine.

Out of the trinity of digital fabrication machines (3D printer, laser cutter, and CNC milling), this is the machine I have least experience with. I understand most of the concepts and various technical things Neil discuss about it, but knowing the theory of how to swim and actually swimming are two totally different thing.

Assignments of The Week

Group Assignment

  • Characterize the design rules for your in-house PCB production process

Individual Assignment

  • Make and test a microcontroller development board
  • Personalize the board
  • Make it with another process
  • Create an electronic components reference document
