Week 01

Principles and Practices / Project Management

Fab Academy 2024 is finally starting! This week is all about getting started. We learned more about the history of the Fab Lab Network, the grand vision of the hive mind of this network, and reviewed what we have signed up for the next half a year of our lives. We also had the opportunity to see final project presentations by past students, which helped us imagine what we have to do each week to build towards our final project. Finally, we learned about time management, documentation, and setting up our student page.

AI assistance is allowed but limited for aiding with the language barrier. This will be tremendously helpful because I didn't use English on a daily basis until I studied abroad in my late teens. Although I am quite fluent in spoken English now, my vocabulary is somewhat limited and my grammar can be inconsistent. Therefore, for my documentations, I first write them as best as I could on my own, and then I use GPT inside my text editor to help correct any grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.

Assignments of The Week

Principle and Practices

  • Sketched your final project ideas
  • Describe briefly what it does and who's the target user

Project Management

  • Read, sign the student/instructor/lab agreements
  • Work through a git tutorial
  • Build a personal site in the class archive
  • Create a section describing you and your final project
  • Document steps for setting up your git repository
  • Commit and push to GitLab repository
