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II. Safety & Testing the Machine

Safety at the HBK-Lab

At the HBK-Lab we have two fire extinguisher. One is beside the LaserCutter

A second one is beside the emergency door. There is also an emergency stop button, which turns off ALL the power-plugs in the Lab.

And there are two first aid kits above the sink

There is also a second emergency door, where we can go directly out of the building

Characterizing the Machine

For characterizing the machine I used again my testcube.

I prepared the cam-job as I described in the milling part of this weeks assignment.

The cube has a measurement from 20x20x10 cm and this is what I got.

It seems, that the circle in the middle is not round. It looks like the machine is not exactly aligned.

And these are the measurements I got

It seems, that the 6mm end-mill I used, is a little bit smaller