How to MAKE (Almost) Anything
Welcome to Bartholomew Ting's Fab Academy site!
As the progression continued, enrolling in Fab Academy 2023 has transcended the mere pursuit of reaching the ultimate goal. It now revolves around the invaluable opportunity of connecting with the world-wide community that has invested tremendous effort to enable this journey. Do you share this sentiment?
After a fleeting moment, FAB23 Bhutan concludes its presence, marking the commencement of an unfolding expedition.
Weekly assignments 2023
- week 1. Project management
- week 2. Computer Aided design
- week 3. Computer controlled cutting
- week 4. Embedded programming
- week 5. 3D Scanning and printing
- week 6. Electronics design
- week 7. Computer controlled machining
- week 8. Electronics production
- week 9. Output devices
- week 10. Mechanical design & machine design
- week 11. Input devices
- week 12. Molding and casting
- week 13. Networking and communications
- week 14. Interface and application programming
- week 15. Wildcard week
- week 16. Applications and implications
- week 17. Invention, intellectual property and income
- week 18. Project development
Year 2025
- SG60 in Schools
- Scholarship Ceremony (22 Jan)
- Northland Sec LJ (14 Jan)
- Library Furniture & Partition (Jan)
- Open House committee (9~11 Jan)
Year 2024
- TRIZ workshop (3 & 4 Dec)
- Science Centre YSC #2 (18~21 Nov)
- Setup Bear @T16 (15 Nov)
- SG Chinese Cultural Centre (17 ~ 28 Oct)
- NLB MakerIT Fair (16 & 17 Nov)
- NLB @ 20th Harry Potter (Oct~ Nov)
- EETC + ILF (23 ~ 27 Sep)
- TKK Young Inventor (20 Jul+21 Sep)
- F1 cars live-screening events (23 Aug)
- Library Homecoming Retreat (14 Aug)
- Kazakhstan Educator Visit (13 Aug)
- National Day Celebratory Decoration (Aug)
- MAD SP70 cake (7 Aug, 13 & 14 Jun)
- HR Learning Fest (2 Aug)
- Cardboard Car kit (22 Jul)
- SAF Career Fair 2024 (24 Jul)
- SP Golf Charity @ OCC (12 Jul)
- SP Estate Department recycled bin (8 Jul)
- SP Alumni Startup ADPlist @NDC (4 Jul)
- SP Fruits Party (3 Jul)
- Jwei Cutting machine training (1 Jul)
- ABE Intro to Making (28 Jun & 5 Jul)
- Passion Wave CET (25 Jun)
- HyperSketch AI training for Fablab (21 Jun)
- Microbit Lofirobot Excercise (12 Jun)
- Science Centre YSC #1 (27~29 May,3~5Jun)
- SP DEV Homecoming Retreat (21 May)
- Changi Simei Viasta (18 May)
- Fab-All-In presentation (13 & 14 May)
- UXC DT/UX in Library (8~14 May)
- Graduation Ceremony 2024 (2~8 May)
- CET (NTF) Arts & Health Fest (24 Apr)
- Future Food Lab+Career Fair (17 Apr)
- Seven Sculptures for SP70 (12 Apr)
- CTLPE and Easter Monday (1~5 Apr)
- SD Sustainability Campaign (Mar ~ Apr)
- PFP completion ceremony (28 Mar)
- Student Dvp Excellence Awards (27 Mar)
- F1 car mock-up (18 Mar)
- Rhino Grasshopper Training (18~20 Mar)
- CET (SCDF) "Intro to Making" (12 Mar)
- Tokuyama+Ibaraki College Japan (11 Mar)
- Business Cluster SP70 project (11~14 Mar)
- Dragon Coinbank 2024 (Jan)
- CNY Garden Party @ Istana (25 Feb)
- Scholarship Ceremony (24 Jan)
- T16 Rooftop Sign Mock-up (22 Jan)
- GovTech Wellness Pod (15 Jan)
- Joint-Poly Admission Exercise (10~12 Jan)
- ABE events & JAE (Nov to Jan)
- SPOH 2024 (4~6 Jan)
Year 2023
- Summary video for 2023 (Q4)
- Comic Con- MAD school (9 & 10 Dec)
- Charity for children: Toy Buffet (10 Nov)
- SP Arts Fiesta 2023 (6~25 Nov)
- LKY100: Greening of Singapore (29 Oct)
- TMCC by Jardines Matheson (22 Oct)
- First ever "Everyone Matters" in SG (27 Oct)
- Cardboard folding system
- Single-axis machine
- FAB23 Bhutan (24~28 Jul)
- Go Green SP (5 Jul)
- NLB Xiao Xiao Mu Zhi (3 Jun)
- World Environment Day 2023 @ Marina Square (26 May ~ 11 Jun)