CET (Ng Teng Fong General Hospital) Arts & Health Festival

24 April 2024

The 15th Arts & Health Festival by Ng Teng Fong General Hospital is a vibrant celebration that integrates the healing power of the arts into the healthcare environment. This annual event showcases a diverse array of artistic performances, exhibitions, and workshops designed to promote mental and emotional well-being among patients, staff, and the wider community. By featuring local artists and performers, the festival not only enriches the hospital experience but also fosters a deeper connection between the arts and health. The interactive and immersive nature of the festival encourages participation, providing a therapeutic outlet for expression and creativity.

This year's festival underscores the hospital's commitment to holistic care, recognizing the significant role that art plays in the healing process. Through a variety of activities, such as art therapy sessions, visual art displays, and creative workshops, the event highlights the positive impact of artistic engagement on health and recovery. The 15th Arts & Health Festival serves as a testament to the hospital's dedication to enhancing the quality of life for its patients and the community, proving that art can be a powerful tool for healing and wellness.

Link to watch the instruction video for cardboard crane (30cm).

NTF General Hospital Arts and Health Festival
NTF General Hospital Arts and Health Festival
NTF General Hospital Arts and Health Festival

Client visit for another community arts project in August National Day

Date: 30 April 2024

Edwin, Andy (+1), Jurgen, and Siew Fong came to visit on 30 April afternoon. We re-visit the steamboat hotpot at FC2.

National Day Community Arts project