Graduation Ceremony 2024

2 ~ 8 May 2024

Graduating from Singapore Polytechnic is a significant milestone, marking the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and personal growth. The graduation ceremony is a celebratory event that brings together students, families, and faculty to honor the achievements of the graduates. It is a moment of pride and joy, reflecting the diverse academic and extracurricular experiences that have shaped the students' journeys. As graduates walk across the stage to receive their diplomas, they not only celebrate their academic accomplishments but also the friendships and memories made along the way.

Singapore Polytechnic's graduation ceremony is more than just a formal event; it is a testament to the institution's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals ready to embark on their professional careers. The graduates leave with not only technical skills and knowledge but also critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a sense of responsibility towards their community. As they step into the next chapter of their lives, whether pursuing further education or entering the workforce, they carry with them the values and experiences that will guide them in their future endeavors. The ceremony serves as a bridge between the past achievements and the promising future that lies ahead for each graduate.

SP70 Graduation Bear
SP70 Graduation Bear
SP70 Graduation Bear