Fab-All-In presentation (Fab Foundation)

13 & 14 May 2024

Fab All-In is a learning collaboration and community of impact and opportunities shared across the global Fab network, brings together colleagues to expand belonging and inclusion in our local and global fablabs through cross-sharing what’s already working/promising and workshopping iterative expansion options together.

The course kicks off on Monday, February 5 2024. Each session will take place from 9:00am - 11:00am Eastern Standard Time — and meets approximately bi-weekly.

  1. Session 1: All-In – February 5, 2024
  2. Session 2: Systemic All-In Impact – February 19, 2024
  3. Session 3: The Natural/Cultural Context – March 4, 2024
  4. Session 4: Skills + Office Hours – March 18, 2024
  5. Session 5: Economic Vitality – April 15, 2024
  6. Session 6: Skills + Office Hours – April 29, 2024
  7. Session 7: Final Co-work Session (Optional) – May 6, 2024
  8. Session 8A: Solutionspalooza – May 13, 2024
  9. Session 8B: Solutionspalooza – May 14, 2024

I took the course out of my own time and resources to continue to learn through the offering by Fab Foundation. Here is my Notion page for course assignments.

Steven and myself presented SP Fablab's situation during the last day of the online course. Here is the slide.

Presentation slide during Solutionspalooza