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Reflection and Future Steps

Here are my files for this week;

This week, I made an anti-subtractive Fusion 360 design that printed well in the end. I also used an app to scan a 3D object and printed out after some adjustments in PrusaSlicer.

This is the downloadable link for the mouse.

This is the downloadable link for the gear.

From 3D printing:

I think I could have either offsetted the gear teeth in the gear holder more so that the gear can actually spin and not get stuck due to the friction. Another option would be to design a linear track that the gear can roll on.

From slicing:

As you might have noticed in the picture, the printed mouse was far from perfect. On top of it, there were flat areas that are cut in PrusaSlicer, giving it an unnatural feel. I believe that tif I had more time, I could have rounded the edges a little bit more and maybe designed some sort of plastic covering in order to smooth out the rough edges.

Last update: December 30, 2023