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Compressing Videos

As I was documenting week 4’s electrical engineering work, I had to record videos for making sure that their file size is not too large. The video file on my phone is a .mov file, and it is around 7.5 MB, which is close to the commit limit for Git, which is 10 MB.

So, I went to online video compressors like this one and this one. However, the process is taking very long.

I asked ChatGPT for some options, and it came up with a free website. I used this to compress my videos, and their size went down dramatically.

I also trimmed the videos so that the redundant parts are cut, which freed up a lot of storage.

Video Formatting:

Formatting a video was the same as formatting a picture.

![your video](../../../Images/week%204%20images%3Avideos/Week%204%20videos/

Last update: December 27, 2023