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Svavar's Fab Academy Journey View Page Source

Svavar Konráðsson


My name is Svavar Konráðsson. Welcome to my home on the web.

This is the living and evolving documentation of my studies at the amazing Fab Academy, class 2023. I have the good fortune to work at Fab Lab Ísafjörður, Iceland. My instructor is Þórarinn Bjartur Breiðfjörð Gunnarsson, director of Fab Lab Ísafjörður. My global evaluator is Pablo Nuñez, a part of the dream team at Fab Lab León.

If you're technically inclined, you may find some useful stuff on this site. The documentation is lengthy and seems chaotic; but that's because we're encouraged to document everything as we go along, mistakes and all. The best resource for a Fab Academy student is the documentation from other Fab Academy students.

Final Project

My final project in the Fab Academy is Baksi the educational robot.

Baksi is meant to be small, inexpensive, simple and safe. You can see all the electronics, and yet it has a clean look. You can make one yourself in a Fab Lab anywhere in the world, and the local staff will help you learn the skills that you need to pull it off. So, what are you waiting for?

Get started building a BLDC robot from scratch


A big part of modern technology is in this robot in one way or another; microchips that control motors and communicate with each other, digitally fabricated parts, software to control the robot from the computer and more. I want to use this little bot to get students interested in mathematics and technology. And maybe paint candles.

1 minute video about Baksi:

I'm continuing to work on Baksi here:

Baksi on my MIT Machine Class page

Fab Academy Assignments

Principles and Practices
Principles and Practices
Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Design
Computer Controlled Cutting
Computer Controlled Cutting
Embedded Programming
Embedded Programming
3D Scanning and Printing
3D Scanning and Printing
Electronics Design
Electronics Design
Computer-Controlled Machining
Computer-Controlled Machining
Electronics Production
Electronics Production
Output Devices
Output Devices
Machine Week
Machine Week
Input Devices
Input Devices
Molding and Casting
Molding and Casting
Networking and Communications
Networking and Communications
Interface and Application Programming
Interface and Application Programming
Wild Card Week
Wild Card Week
Applications and Implications
Applications and Implications
Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models
Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models
Project Development
Project Development

What is the Fab Academy?

Fab Academy

First thing: The Fab Academy is open for anyone who wants to make things. There are no prerequisites, and it's basically the same as the legendary MIT class How To Make (almost) Anything. Because of the world wide network of Fab Labs, anyone in the world can apply to the Fab Academy and drink from the firehose of cutting edge technology and whimsical stories that is Professor Neil Gershenfeld, the director of the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms.

Fab Academy Class 2023Presenting my final project.

The Fab Academy is the most remarkable educational program I know of. Every year, engineers like me, artists with no technical background, PhD students, high school students and students of the school of life meet up online every Wednesday for the Fab Academy class. Everyone starts at different levels and everyone is required to go outside their comfort zone every week. I'm familiar with CAD, so in CAD week I tried polygon modeling in Blender. After Neil's dizzying lecture on the week's subject, you have until next Wednesday to make something that works, and document it thoroughly.

I spoke about my Fab Academy experience to new students at the 2024 Student Bootcamp:

Student Bootcamp 2024 My advice to Fab Academy students (I made a robot and I almost went mad)

My experience? It was like getting an acceptance letter into Hogwarts. A vast world opens up to you full of outstanding people who, working together, can make (almost) anything. You have the support of a group of unassuming people around the world who are actually technology wizards, but also appreciate the human element in art and design. It's the only online school where I've actually got to know the people taking part in it.

Electronics design journeyThe evolution of my electronics design skills over the course of the Fab Academy. The course puts a heavy emphasis on digital electronics, because that's what makes things come alive!

Already I've made a contribution to a Spanish-Icelandic project and I'm only just getting started in the Fab Lab network. I've made friends, laughed and cried and yet the Fab Academy somehow only exists inside my laptop and I struggle to convey how significant this thing is to outsiders. Currently there are 2500 places like this in the world where I can now walk in and start making things (and so can you!) and share stories of struggling to make things work. And the number of Fab Labs in the world doubles every 18 months. Isn't that wild? Something's going on here.

Team FMCUTeam FMCU. See my contribution here.

The Fab Academy has existed in a side reality for a long time, but it's invisible to Muggles. They have their peculiar speech and conventions that are impenetrable to outsiders. They've been videoconferencing since ancient times. You Google the Fab Academy and find a cryptic website full of bare HTML links to technical resources without any explanations. Ah, my friend, but you lack the guidance and the context! Come on in. Check out the meme channel in the Mattermost chat.

Meme ÞórarinnÞórarinn, the undisputed Fab Academy meme master. See an example at the bottom of this page. Image from Adrián Torres.

An introduction to modern technology as we know it might realistically be taken on in a ten-year period, but we rush through it in six months. You'd better keep up, because you need to make microcontroller boards that talk to each other- wait, now you must mill a 3D shape and make a casting- hold on, now it's time for web programming, but lay that to one side because now you need to stay up all night to finish your final project and present it to a hundred faces on your laptop screen that are in all time zones and climates and circumstances in the world and you are now a part of this group, which shares a traumat- I mean a transformative experience.

The Icelandic students in Fab Academy 2023The Icelandic students in Fab Academy 2023: Yours truly, Andri Sæmundsson and Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir.

Two out of three Icelanders taking the Fab Academy this year got sick right after their final project presentation, because the pressure had been so high. Was it worth it? It was. I would hardly dare make electronics before but now I'm considering taking an electronic product to market.

There is a before and after the Fab Academy. I now know how an aluminum profile feels. You know, they don't heat the material that much, they just push it with enormous force until it deforms and takes on the shape of the die. Before I was a disorganized scatterbrain. Now I'm a scatterbrain who talks about designing things in spirals and documenting everything, not because I'm being forced to do it anymore but because I enjoy the process. What is happening to me?

I'm turning into a Fab Academy instructor...

2024 Fab Academy Instructor Bootcamp in LeónThe 2024 Fab Academy Instructor Bootcamp in León, Spain. My contributions: BLDC Modular Thing and Chat with your repo. Image from Frosti Gíslason.

My rune

My rune

This is the rune that I made for myself in grade school, made up of my initials SK. To start my Fab Academy journey, I made it digital, using Inkscape.