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Week 15 Students

Unity - Adam

Using ChatGPT

I have been exploring the potential of AI in generating documentation and so, decided to give it a try for this task. Here, I’ve used ChatGPT, an AI language model by OpenAI to write about Unity. I found it to be a highly efficient way of generating content. However, I also made sure to fact-check all the information provided by the AI to ensure its accuracy.

Prompt (I replaced this with the actual prompt since it got it wrong somehow)

For Interfacing week of Fab Academy, I need to do a write up about the Unity Game Engine as an application interface for talking to embedded microcontrollers. Please provide a brief summary of the game engine, some unique facts about it, as well as its use cases and weaknesses. Fill in this markdown file

## Unity - Adam

### Using ChatGPT

<<<brief explanation of how I've never used ChatGPT for documentation and wanted to try it, also stating that I fact-checked it (which I will)>>>

<<<this should be my prompt>>>

<<<this should be your response - I know it will create an infinite loop if you have your response in the response but just do your best>>>

### Understanding Unity

<<<unity analysis goes here>>>

Understanding Unity

Response (note this is what it came up with, but my section of the group work is mostly its actual response)

  • Unity is a powerful cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies. It provides a rich set of tools and services for creating interactive 3D and 2D games, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), simulations, and other interactive experiences.
  • Some unique facts about Unity include its high portability, supporting more than 25 platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and many more. It also provides a robust asset store, allowing developers to purchase and import ready-made assets into their projects.
  • Unity is not only used for game development but also finds application in various sectors like architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), automotive, transportation, manufacturing, film, animation and cinematics. Its ability to create both AR and VR experiences has made it a preferred choice in these industries.
  • However, Unity does have some weaknesses. It uses a garbage collector for memory management, which can sometimes cause performance issues due to unexpected garbage collection events. Also, while Unity’s ease of use makes it accessible for beginners, it can sometimes limit customization for more advanced developers.
  • For interfacing with embedded microcontrollers, Unity can be used in conjunction with a serial communication protocol. A C# script in Unity can be written to send and receive data over a serial port, allowing Unity to communicate with microcontrollers like Arduino. This opens up possibilities for creating interactive experiences that extend beyond the digital world into the physical world.

Processing - Griffin

Documented using the same prompt as Adam but with processing instead of Unity

Processing as an Application Interface for Embedded Microcontrollers


Processing is an open-source programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for artists, designers, and beginners to create interactive computer graphics and multimedia applications. It is a versatile platform that can also serve as an excellent application interface for communicating with embedded microcontrollers. Processing simplifies the process of developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and enables easy interaction with various hardware components connected to microcontrollers.

Unique Facts about Processing

  1. Simplicity: Processing is known for its straightforward syntax and intuitive design, making it accessible even to those with limited programming experience.
  2. Visual Output: The language is geared towards visual representation and supports real-time graphics rendering, enabling users to create visually appealing interfaces.
  3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Processing is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it widely accessible to users regardless of their preferred platform.
  4. Vibrant Community: Processing has a thriving community of artists, designers, educators, and developers who actively contribute to its development, share resources, and provide support.

Use Cases

  1. Prototyping: Processing provides a rapid prototyping environment for creating interactive prototypes that involve embedded microcontrollers. It allows designers and developers to quickly test and refine their ideas before moving to the production stage.
  2. Data Visualization: Processing’s visual capabilities make it an ideal tool for developing data visualization interfaces. It can receive data from sensors or other external devices connected to microcontrollers and generate visual representations in real-time.
  3. Interactive Installations: Artists and designers often use Processing to build interactive installations that respond to user input or environmental factors. By integrating microcontrollers, they can create dynamic and immersive experiences.
  4. Educational Purposes: Processing’s simplicity and visual nature make it an excellent choice for teaching programming and electronics to beginners. The integration with microcontrollers offers a hands-on approach to learning about physical computing.


  1. Limited Resource Management: Processing’s focus on simplicity means it may not handle resource-intensive tasks or complex algorithms as efficiently as more specialized programming languages.
  2. Lack of Low-Level Control: While Processing provides a convenient abstraction for working with microcontrollers, it may not offer the same level of low-level control as programming directly in languages like C or assembly.
  3. Performance Considerations: Processing’s graphical capabilities can consume significant system resources, which may impact overall performance when running resource-intensive applications or working with large datasets.
  4. Hardware Compatibility: Although Processing supports communication with various microcontrollers, some less common or specialized microcontrollers may require additional effort to establish a connection and integrate with the language.

In conclusion, Processing serves as a powerful application interface for embedded microcontrollers, particularly for artists, designers, and beginners looking to create visually-oriented projects. While it has certain limitations in terms of resource management, low-level control, and hardware compatibility, its simplicity, visual output, and thriving community make it an excellent choice for prototyping, data visualization, interactive installations, and educational purposes.

Tkinter Library- Ryan

Iworked on documenting the python library, Tkinter.

Notes on Tkinter

Tkinter is a python library and is an easy to use tool to make a graphical UI. It is built off the Tk GUi toolkit, and it is a framework built into the python standard library. I used this to make it my, and I found it easy to learn and straightforward. I decided to compare some advantages and disadvantages from people who were more advanced in this python tool.

On this website, I was able to read about some pros and cons of the tool. Here is a summary.



Python programs using Tkinter can be very brief, partly because of the power of Python, but also due to Tk. In particular, reasonable default values are defined for many options used in creating a widget, and packing it (i.e., placing and displaying).
Cross platform
Tk provides widgets on Windows, Macs, and most Unix implementations with very little platform-specific dependence. Some newer GUI frameworks are achieving a degree of platform independence, but it will be some time before they match Tk’s in this respect.


First released in 1990, the core is well developed and stable.
Many extensions of Tk exist, and more are being frequently distributed on the Web. Any extension is immediately accessible from Tkinter, if not through an extension to Tkinter, then at least through Tkinter’s access to the Tcl language.



There is some concern with the speed of Tkinter. Most calls to Tkinter are formatted as a Tcl command (a string) and interpreted by Tcl from where the actual Tk calls are made. This theoretical slowdown caused by the successive execution of two interpreted languages is rarely seen in practice and most real-world ...

I did some more research, and I found that the basic cons of the tool was that it gets hard to use when making more complex interfaces, and it usually requires downloading extra toolkits. Here is a website with some information I found useful. Though for making complex interfaces it might not be the best, I still found it to be super easy and fun to use, and it can be made quickly if one is making a simple interface. I used this website to learn some basic commands, such as creating widgets, navigating through managing things such as .pack(), and much more.

Here is an example code. As you can see, it is pretty straightforward, in which you set up the root, define the visual aspects, and running the main loop. (Or using the pack command to make more widgets such as buttons and slides)

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

# place a label on the root window
message = tk.Label(root, text="Hello, World!")

# keep the window displaying

Merritt- P5.js library

Using Adam’s ChatGPT prompt p5.js is a JavaScript library that provides a simple and intuitive interface for creating interactive graphics and animations on the web. While primarily designed for creative coding and web-based visual projects, p5.js can also be used to communicate with embedded microcontrollers, making it a valuable tool for interfacing between software and hardware.

Unique facts about p5.js:

Beginner-friendly: p5.js is known for its beginner-friendly nature, making it an excellent choice for those new to programming and creative coding. It provides a simple and intuitive syntax that is easy to understand and learn.

Browser-based: Since p5.js is based on JavaScript, it runs directly in the web browser without the need for any additional software or plugins. This makes it highly accessible and allows for easy sharing of projects online.

Graphics and interactivity: p5.js emphasizes the creation of visual and interactive elements, making it ideal for building interactive prototypes, data visualizations, and generative art. It offers a wide range of drawing and animation functions, making it easy to create visually engaging experiences.

Use cases of p5.js for interfacing with embedded microcontrollers:

Physical computing: p5.js can be used to control and interact with various electronic components connected to microcontrollers like Arduino. It enables users to read sensor data, control actuators, and create responsive interfaces that bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

Internet of Things (IoT): With p5.js, you can connect your embedded microcontrollers to the internet, enabling them to communicate with online services, receive and send data, and create web-based dashboards for monitoring and control.

Creative installations: p5.js is widely used in the creation of interactive installations and exhibits. By integrating embedded microcontrollers, artists and designers can build immersive experiences that respond to user inputs or environmental data.

Weaknesses of p5.js for interfacing with embedded microcontrollers:

Limited hardware support: While p5.js can communicate with popular microcontrollers like Arduino, its support for other embedded platforms may be limited. The availability of specific libraries and resources for different microcontrollers may vary, which could restrict the range of compatible hardware.

Performance considerations: p5.js is primarily designed for web-based applications, so it may not provide the same level of performance as lower-level programming languages when working with resource-intensive tasks or real-time applications.

Dependency on web technologies: Since p5.js runs in the web browser, it relies on web technologies and APIs for communication with microcontrollers. This dependency may introduce complexities and limitations compared to direct programming environments provided by microcontroller-specific IDEs.

Despite these weaknesses, p5.js offers a user-friendly and accessible approach to interface with embedded microcontrollers, allowing for the creation of visually engaging and interactive projects that bridge the gap between software and hardware.

HTML Based Web Server - Stuart


  • Low cost: Microcontrollers are generally cheaper than full-fledged computers, making them an attractive option for simple web server applications.
  • Low power consumption: Microcontrollers are designed to be low-power devices, which can be an advantage in applications where power consumption is a concern.
  • Customizability: With a microcontroller, you have full control over the hardware and software, allowing you to tailor your web server to your specific needs.
  • Reliability: Microcontrollers are often used in industrial and embedded applications, where reliability is a critical requirement. They are designed to be robust and durable.


  • Limited resources: Microcontrollers have limited processing power, memory, and storage compared to full-fledged computers. This can limit the complexity of the web server and the number of concurrent users it can support.
  • Limited connectivity: Microcontrollers may not have built-in networking capabilities or may only support limited networking protocols. This can limit the types of devices and networks that can connect to the web server.
  • Limited software support: Microcontrollers often use proprietary software development environments and may have limited support for third-party software libraries and frameworks.
  • Security concerns: Microcontrollers may not have the same level of security features and protections as full-fledged computers, making them potentially vulnerable to attacks.

Overall, using a microcontroller to host a web server can be a good choice for simple, low-traffic applications where cost and power consumption are concerns. However, more complex applications with higher traffic and security requirements may require a full-fledged computer or server.


Documented using the same prompt as Adam but with processing instead of Unity


Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language that was designed to be platform-independent. It provides a rich set of libraries and frameworks, making it a popular choice for developing various types of applications. Java’s architecture and features make it well-suited for interfacing with embedded microcontrollers, allowing developers to build robust and scalable systems.

Unique Facts

Platform Independence: One of the key advantages of Java is its platform independence. Java programs can run on different platforms without requiring significant modifications, thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This feature simplifies the development process when targeting diverse embedded microcontroller platforms.

Strong Ecosystem: Java has a vast ecosystem with a wide range of libraries and frameworks that can facilitate the development of applications for embedded systems. These libraries provide extensive support for networking, serial communication, sensor integration, and other functionalities required when interacting with microcontrollers.

Garbage Collection: Java incorporates automatic memory management through its built-in garbage collector. This feature relieves developers from explicitly managing memory allocation and deallocation, reducing the risk of memory leaks and simplifying the development process.

Use Cases

Internet of Things (IoT): Java is often used in IoT applications to interface with embedded microcontrollers. Its platform independence and extensive library support make it a suitable choice for developing IoT gateways, sensor networks, and smart devices.

Robotics: Java can be employed in robotics applications to communicate with microcontrollers controlling various robotic components. It enables the development of sophisticated robot control systems, providing features such as real-time data processing and sensor integration.

Home Automation: Java can serve as an application interface for home automation systems that interact with embedded microcontrollers. It allows developers to build user-friendly interfaces, integrate different devices, and control the automation processes.


Performance: While Java offers excellent portability and ease of development, it may not be the best choice when it comes to performance-critical applications. The overhead of the JVM and garbage collector can introduce latency or limit real-time responsiveness, which may be crucial in some embedded systems.

Limited Low-Level Access: Java’s focus on safety and platform independence means that it abstracts away low-level details. This can limit direct access to hardware features and specific microcontroller functionalities, which may be required in certain scenarios.

Memory Footprint: Java applications typically have a larger memory footprint compared to low-level programming languages. In resource-constrained embedded systems with limited memory, this higher overhead can be a constraint.

It’s important to consider these factors when evaluating Java as an application interface for talking to embedded microcontrollers. While Java offers many advantages, the specific requirements and constraints of the project should be carefully analyzed to determine if Java is the most suitable choice for a particular use case.

IcedTea- Dariyah

Understanding IcedTea

IcedTea is an open-source software project that provides a free implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). It is based on the OpenJDK project, which is the reference implementation of the Java SE platform. IcedTea aims to be a complete and compatible Java SE implementation, allowing developers to run Java applications on a wide range of devices and platforms, including embedded systems and microcontrollers.

Unique Facts about IcedTea

IcedTea was initiated by Red Hat and has gained popularity within the Java community as a free and open-source alternative to Oracle’s Java SE implementation. It supports multiple architectures, including x86, ARM, and PowerPC, making it suitable for various embedded systems and microcontrollers. IcedTea includes a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and a Java Development Kit (JDK), providing developers with the necessary tools for compiling, debugging, and running Java code on embedded devices.

Use Cases of IcedTea

Development of Java applications for embedded systems: IcedTea enables developers to write Java code and deploy it on embedded devices and microcontrollers. It provides an application interface for interacting with the hardware components and peripherals of these systems.

Internet of Things (IoT) applications:

IcedTea can be used to develop Java-based IoT applications that connect and control devices in a networked environment. It allows for the integration of embedded microcontrollers into IoT ecosystems. Robotics: IcedTea can be utilized in robotics projects to program and control embedded microcontrollers. It provides an interface for communicating with sensors, actuators, and other peripheral devices in a robot system.

Industrial automation:

IcedTea can be used in industrial automation systems to create software interfaces for embedded microcontrollers. It allows for the monitoring and control of machinery and processes. Weaknesses of IcedTea

Limited community and ecosystem:

Compared to other Java implementations, IcedTea may have a smaller community and ecosystem. This could result in fewer resources, libraries, and community support available for specific use cases.

Performance considerations:

While IcedTea aims to provide a high-performance Java implementation, certain performance-sensitive applications may require optimizations specific to the target embedded microcontrollers, which might not be readily available in IcedTea.

Hardware compatibility:

Although IcedTea supports multiple architectures, there might be limitations in terms of compatibility with specific microcontrollers or embedded systems. Developers need to ensure that IcedTea is compatible with their target hardware.

MATLAB - Ginny

Used Adam’s Chat GPT prompt


MATLAB is a software platform developed by MathWorks that serves as an application interface for talking to embedded microcontrollers. It provides a programming environment and a set of tools for designing, simulating, and implementing algorithms for embedded systems.

Unique Facts about MATLAB

  1. Matrix-Based Language: MATLAB is renowned for its matrix-based approach, treating arrays and matrices as fundamental data types. This design allows for efficient and concise code implementation, particularly for mathematical operations.
  2. Simulink Integration: MATLAB seamlessly integrates with Simulink, a graphical environment for modeling and simulating dynamic systems. This combination enables the design and simulation of complex control systems and algorithms for embedded microcontrollers.
  3. Hardware Support: MATLAB provides support for a wide range of hardware platforms, including popular microcontrollers, microprocessors, and FPGA boards. This allows developers to interface with and control embedded systems using MATLAB’s programming environment.

Use Cases of MATLAB

  1. Algorithm Development: MATLAB offers a powerful environment for developing and testing algorithms for embedded systems. Developers can leverage MATLAB’s extensive mathematical functions and tools to design and optimize algorithms that run efficiently on microcontrollers.
  2. System Simulation: MATLAB and Simulink provide simulation capabilities that allow developers to model and test the behavior of embedded systems before implementing them on microcontrollers. This helps identify and address potential issues early in the development process.
  3. Rapid Prototyping: MATLAB’s integration with hardware platforms enables rapid prototyping of embedded systems. Developers can quickly iterate on designs, implement algorithms on microcontrollers, and evaluate system performance in real-time.

Weaknesses of MATLAB

  1. Execution Speed: MATLAB is an interpreted language, which can result in slower execution speeds compared to compiled languages. This can be a limitation for applications that require real-time responsiveness on resource-constrained microcontrollers.
  2. Memory Usage: MATLAB’s memory usage can be relatively high, which can pose challenges when working with microcontrollers with limited memory resources.
  3. Proprietary Nature: MATLAB is a proprietary software, and its licenses can be costly for individual developers or small-scale projects. This can limit accessibility for certain users and organizations.

Ciruit Python - David

Documented using the same prompt as Adam but with CircuitPython instead of Unity



CircuitPython is a programming language based on Python designed for microcontrollers and embedded systems. It simplifies the process of working with hardware, allowing users to quickly prototype and interact with electronic projects. It is an open-source platform developed by Adafruit Industries and is built on the foundations of MicroPython.

Unique Facts:

  • Beginner-Friendly: CircuitPython is known for its ease of use, making it an excellent choice for beginners in the world of embedded systems and electronics. Its syntax is designed to be accessible for those who are familiar with Python or are new to programming.

  • No Compilation Required: Unlike traditional embedded programming languages, CircuitPython doesn’t require code compilation. Users can write and edit their code directly on the microcontroller, and changes take effect immediately. This streamlines the development process and reduces the learning curve.

  • Abstraction Layer: CircuitPython provides a high-level abstraction layer, simplifying interactions with hardware components. This abstraction allows users to focus more on their project’s logic and less on intricate details of low-level hardware communication.

Use Cases:

  • Rapid Prototyping: CircuitPython is widely used for rapid prototyping due to its simplicity and quick development cycle. It enables makers, hobbyists, and professionals to iterate on their projects efficiently.

  • Education: Its beginner-friendly nature makes CircuitPython an excellent choice for educational purposes. It has been adopted in various educational settings to introduce students to programming and electronics without the complexities of traditional embedded programming.

  • Internet of Things (IoT): CircuitPython is suitable for IoT (internet of things) projects, where quick development and ease of integration are crucial. Its support for microcontrollers with built-in Wi-Fi capabilities facilitates the creation of IoT devices.


  • Performance Limitations: CircuitPython may not be the best choice for resource-intensive applications or projects that demand high-speed processing. The interpreted nature of Python and the simplicity of CircuitPython might lead to performance limitations compared to languages like C or C++.

  • Limited Hardware Support: While CircuitPython supports a range of microcontrollers, its compatibility might be limited compared to other embedded programming languages. Users should check the official documentation to ensure their chosen microcontroller is supported.

  • Less Control Over Hardware: The high-level abstraction provided by CircuitPython can be a limitation when users require precise control over hardware details. In scenarios where low-level hardware manipulation is necessary, a more traditional embedded programming approach may be preferable.


Last update: December 26, 2023