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15. Interface and Application Programming

This week’s group assignment is to compare as many tool options as possible.


  1. Dan Stone and Zack Budzichowski both use Processing to do our work for the week, while Adam Durrett used NumPy.

  2. Processing is an open source data visualization program that allows uses numerous way to create and display data for both inputs and outputs.

    1. Some programming languages supported by Processing:

      1. Javascript
      2. Android
      3. Python
    2. Processing also has extensive documentation that is easily accessible on their website here

    3. Where Processing really shines is with the Tutorials and Examples sections of the website where you can find numerous ways to implement and use it.

  3. Additionally, our lab director, Tom Dubick, also gave us a link that compared some common microcontroller languages.

    1. Language comparison

    2. Here is the link to the article.

Last update: May 10, 2023