Final Project
Hero shoot!
The Idea
The goal of the project is to give a second chance to people who lost their hands by creating a
prosthetic hand that perfectly fits and satisfies their daily needs. The design and fabrication of prosthetic
hand can be summarized as follow:
-The main structure will be printed in place, in other words, all parts of the main structure can be
fabricated in a single stage using a 3D printer.
-Adjustable size, by connecting parametric CAD file dimensions with parameters that can be
easily determined according to the required size.
-Easy to assemble, due to the small number of pieces required to be assembled to obtain the
prosthetic limb.
This project will allow anyone to take the design, adjust it to the required size and print it to
have the main structure without the need of assembling 50-200 of small parts. The final stage of the
project will be to add electronic components to the main structure easily since it was printed in a single
stage, and the same components can be used in similar designs with different sizes.

Fabrication process & Project Details
Project Justification
Design & CAD & 3D Printed process
Schematics and PCBs
(Input & Output) devices
ru-One Bionic(prosthetic hand) by Abdelrahman Amin Yousef is licensed under