Interface and application programming
Group Assignment
-Compare as many tool options as possible.
Processing is a versatile software sketchbook and a programming language for learning how to code in the visual arts. Processing has been promoting software literacy in the visual arts and visual literacy in technology since 2001. Processing is used for learning and prototyping by tens of thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists.
MIT App Inventor is a web-based tool that allows you to design apps for mobile phones and tablets. After reading the getting started guide, it's clear that this is a pretty basic program with only two core components. A designer module and a blocks editor module, both of which are quite similar to the Arduinoblocks idea.
Phyton 3 (jupyter)
JupyterLab is the most recent interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data that is available on the web. Users may create and arrange workflows in data science, scientific computing, computational journalism, and machine learning using its versatile interface. Extensions to enhance and enrich functionality are encouraged by a modular architecture.
The benefits of utilizing jupyter include its resemblance to HTML and the ease with which strong data visualization tools like seaborn and matplotlib, as well as scientific libraries like NumPy, may be used. And the greatest part is that if you understand the fundamentals, it's pretty simple to put it together.
Individual Assignment
Write an application that interfaces a user with an input and/or output device that you made
My first step was to look at few different application programming interfaces and pick the one that appeared the most user-friendly. So, while I was looking through the various interfaces, I came upon Processing.
Processing can be utilized with Arduino. I followed several of Processing's instructions after figuring out how to get started with it. My next step was to find out how to utilize it with Arduino after I understood how it worked and what I could accomplish with it. So, after a little more Googling, I came across this Sparkfun tutorial , which proved to be quite useful.
To read data from a MyoWare Muscle Sensor and present it on an interface, I utilized processing with ATMEGA328 board that I built in Input devices.
Arduino Code
File to download.
Arduino Code
At first, this code must be uploaded to the board to take the readings from the sensor and activate the serial.

Processing code
File to download.
Processing Rectangles Code
Processing Circle Code
At first, you must download the Processing software through the official website, then write the code and run it. I have written two codes to express the readings of the MyoWare (Muscle Sensor), the first code is several vertical rectangles that look like the top of the biceps muscle, rising and falling according to the amount of tension on the muscle,
The second is red circle, that get bigger and smaller according to the amount of tension in muscles.

Hero Shoot !