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Week 17: Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

Plan for Dissemination

My project can be looked at in two ways. I designed The Transmitter and Receiver to be fab-labable since I was not able to find any decent and clear resource on fablab-able transmitter/Receiver for Drones, RC projects etc. I hope after the end of fabacademy, some one like me, will find my project very helpful in their drone projects.

As for the drone side, being the lead of two drone projects here at DHI, if alls successful, the plan is to eventually scale up the project into a Drone Startup company for the country of Bhutan.


With things ramping up very quickly to the finish line, one of the latter things that need to be done is to choose a license type for your project and to explain why you picked said license.

To get a better understanding of the licenses we can choose from I went to the Creative Common’s websites for Licenses, and read through the given options.

Of my options, I decided to go with the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. Here is the License Deed and the Legal Code.

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With this license, people are able to copy, redistribute whatever I did in any medium or format. They are also allowed to remix, transform and build upon what I did.

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However, the material may not be used for commercial purposes or commercial gain. If the work is used, then credit must be given to me and any changes made to the work must be indicated.

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The reason I went with this one is pretty straightforward. Since the drone industry is an ever growing market and technology, I don’t mind others using my work and ideas in a non-commercial setting for the greater good of the Drone (Transmitter/Receiver) Industry. My whole goal of making my own transmitter (and Receiver) was to make it fablab-able so sharing it non-commercially fits into my goals.

Future Opportunities

On the personal side of things, I could be hired by drone companies since my final project is very very relevant to that field. I could develop the project so well that it could be a start-up on its own. Apart from the drone industry, this project has also allowed me to display my knowledge of controls, aerodynamics and electronics, which will go well with my mechanical engineering skills, making me a candidate for more jobs.

As for the project, in the future I will work on the autopilot system along with a hatch for dropping the items!

The mock Slide and Video

They have been uploaded to the root directory but are also available below:

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