Final Project

This is the page for describe my final project: Cultural Memory Globe

About My Final Project: Cultural Memory Globe

I love traveling. Why? It is because I like to feel the difference of each unique local nature, culture, and people’s lives of each places. These days we can learn differences between different areas of the earth through the internet or SNS, and feels as if we know about it. However, once I visit the place actually, I really understand what is the place like. Through the final project, I would like to create something make you feel uniqueness of each places and cultural graduation of the world. This would be also nice to record my travel memories with actual feeling.

First Sketch

This is my first sketch of the device.


Basically, this device consists of 2 parts: globe and base. When you choose the country on the globe, the device will project the photos/videos of the country, and also, if possible, it shows the temperature of the place with LEDs or heat.

Basic Function

  • INPUT : Tap a country you want
  • OUTPUT :project the photos/videos of the country/change temperature of the device
  • Surface Material (Globe): Not decided(Glass or metal?)
  • Surface Material (Base): Wood


Then, I made plan for each week (Just in case my job get too much busy).
# M D Class Plan
1 Jan 22 principles and practices, presentations, introductionsproject management Finish my rough sketch
2 29 computer-aided design Model the device
3 Feb 05 computer-controlled cutting Try to make/think about base part
4 12 embedded programming Try to program the function of tap and glow
5 19 3D scanning and printing Try to make inside of the device / print out glove part
6 26 electronics design design the electronics of the device
7 Mar 05 computer-controlled machining - (Make something big)
8 12 electronics production Cut/print the electronics of the device
9 19 input devices Try to make sensor parts
10 26 output devices Try to make speaker/projector parts
11 Apr 02 networking and communications Try to make signals between globe part and base part
12 09 mechanical designmachine design - (group assignment week)
13 23 molding and casting Try to create a mold for casting the globe
14 30 interface and application programming Try to make app which can add/manage photos
15 May 07 system integration Try to make it integrated
16 14 wildcard week Try to cast the globe part with (possibly) glass?
17 21 applications and implications,project development -
18 28 invention, intellectual property, and income -
19 Jun 06 weekly assignments deadline -
09- final project presentations -

3D Modeling

In week 2, I tried modeling of the device. First, I mage a rough sketch for modeling.

Then, I model it as follows:

  1. Think and design overall structure of the device with Tinker Cad
  2. Modeling for ‘Globe’ part with Blender
  3. Modeling for ‘Base’ part with Fusion
  4. Combine Globe and Base in Blender

Tinker Cad
‘Globe’ part modeling with Blender
‘Base’ part modeling with Fusion
Combine Globe and Base in Blender

For the details, please see Week2 Computer-Aided Design page.