Assignment #1-1 Principles and Practices
This week I worked on defining my final project idea.
Plan and sketch a potential final project
Planning for the Final Project
I love traveling.
Why? It is because I like to feel the difference of each unique local nature, culture, and people’s lives of each places.
These days we can learn differences between different areas of the earth through the internet or SNS, and feels as if we know about it.
However, once I visit the place actually, I really understand what is the place like.
Through the final project, I would like to create something make you feel uniqueness of each places and cultural graduation of the world.
This would be also nice to record my travel memories with actual feeling.
Features & 1st sketch

This is my first sketch of the device.
Basically, this device consists of 2 parts: globe and base.
Basic Function
When you choose the country on the globe, the device will project the photos/videos of the country, and also, if possible, it shows the temperature of the place with LEDs or heat.
- INPUT : Tap a country you want
- OUTPUT :project the photos/videos of the country/change temperature of the device
- Surface Material (Globe): Not decided(Glass or metal?)
- Surface Material (Base): Wood
input : sensors (numbers of sensors depends on the sensor type) hall effect (magnetic) sensor?
→signal to DB
→choose photos and videos from DB
→output the photos/videos
∔by using app, you can add/manage photos of the country
2nd Sketch

My 2nd idea is use monitor and show slide. Also, make the globe float.
However, Kamakura-node members prefer the projector idea, and finally I will make it with projector.
3rd Sketch

Since I haven’t decided the surface material and how to integrate it, it may better to make inside machine parts, and cover it with surface materials… but it is still under consideration.
I made 3 sketches with/without float feature.
What I researched
- Related Projects…Some Japanese companies also made interactive gloves.
- What kind of sensors should I use?(further research needed)
- How to make it float? or not float?(further research needed)