Assignment #1-2 Project management
This week I started to getting used to the documentation process.
Work through a git tutorial
In the local session, we work through the git
First, we set up the git, and copied my own academy personal repo, and upload my
Our first push was 'sutudent agreement'.
Here is how I worked it with some screenshots.

Download Git from the website.

Launched Git Bash

Generate SSH Key

Since I already had another key, I set id name as “id_git_rsa”

SSH Key generated

Add the key to GitLab.

The place to add the key.

The key added.

Go to my repository and clone key.

Clone key on GitBash.

Open the repository on VS Code.

This is the way to open the repository on VS Code.

The repository opened on VS Code.

Confirmed it is correctly opened.
Read, sign the student/instructor/lab agreements, and commit to your repos

Open New Terminal via VS Code.

Change the terminal to Git Bash.

Add user name since this was the first time and I’ve got the error.

Push the agreement.

Uploade confirmed.
Here is my stuudent agreements: Agreements
Build a personal site in the class archive

I made a rough sketch for my page.
Since I had some experience for Word Press, I wanted to try something new.
Rico-san(Kamakura) recommended to use markdown for to time saving, I tried to
find something looks nice and also possible to use markdown.
I saw Hugo is used for a example of assignment for documentation, so I tried to
use it.
Finally, it seems it will take too much time for me compare to my time limit,
and back to HTML.
I tried to find nice template which is close to my image above from which is recommended by
It may need more improvement.
Since it took time to write HTML on week 1, I tried export from Notion on week 2 as described in class #2. From notion, select Export as html. And I tried to convert it with my original “assignment template”, which I made in week 1. From export file, I cut all css part, and headers in body tag, till div class="page-body"…I used the div class="page-body"to close div and otherwise, I cut it. Then, add to my “assignment template”, to adjust the view, I tried to add some tags:
<div class="box alt">
<div class="row gtr-50 gtr-uniform">
<div class="col-12">
<span class="image">
also close tags.
Since notion exported file has the width for images, I add css as below:
figure img {
max-width: 90%;
Then I deleted annoying blank p tags.
It seems it take more time…
Next I’ll try to output as md file and convert it to html on VS Code.
Export Notion as “markdown & CSV”
I added “Markdown PDF” Extension on VS code.
Enter “>export” on command palette, and choose html.
It seems doesn’t work.
I tried another extention.
All in One - Visual Studio Marketplace
The html file was saved on the folder.
It seems easier. I'll try it to the next week documentation also.
What I researched:How to use Hugo and tried to construct the page with Blowfish template