About me
And the journey that led me here

Hello world! My name is Bianca Young Pedras Pentagna Guimarães, and I'm 18 years old. I have two siblings, and I'm the middle one. I was born in Brazil, but I only lived there for a few years before my family moved to a sailboat. We lived on the boat for one year, sailing the Brazilian coast and the Caribbean islands.

After that, we moved to China, where I attended one year of kindergarten and then Chinese public school from 1st to 3rd grade. In China, my father founded the first fab lab in China, called Xinfab." I used to hang around there and experiment with the 3D printers to create random stuff.

Later, my family moved to Portugal, to the sunny Algarve coast, where we bought land and started a new fab lab Algarve Fabfarm. I've always been somewhat interested in machines and what I could create with them. However, my interest peaked during the pandemic when everyone was in lockdown. Suddenly, I had all this time and access to amazing machines. I started using the laser cutter and the 3D printer to work on personal projects, such as making earrings for myself and crafting Star Wars masks for my little brother. During this time, my father also began the Fab Academy course. He tried to get my siblings and I to participate in a mock Fab Academy. At the time, we didn't take it seriously and got distracted from it. However, that brief exposure to what I could learn inspired me to try again, now that I'm older and have a different perspective than I did when I was around 13 years old

My hobbies and interests: I've always liked to have a myriad of hobbies, and I love to develop more.
I've always enjoyed drawing; my older sister Nicole is my biggest inspiration in this and many other things.
She basically taught me most of what I know about art.
My favorite medium is watercolors, and wherever I go, I bring my small travel set with me to sketch and paint whatever I see (a habit I learned from Nicole).
However, I don't limit myself to only this; I also like to experiment with other mediums.
Apart from the "traditional" type of art, I really enjoy origami because it gets me hyper-focused and relaxed.
I also really like fiber arts like crochet because I can be multitasking and keeping my hands busy making something cool.
To contrast this calmer part of my interests, I actually really love adrenaline-inducing sports.
I used to practice trampoline gymnastics until I had a bit of a bad fall and partially ruptured one of the ligaments in my ankle.
Now, I practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and I still get the adrenaline rush of the gymnastics jumps.
I also love sailing and occasionally participate in some regional regattas with my dad. Other hobbies of mine include cooking, a bit of gardening, and going for walks with my pets (four dogs and three cats).