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Week 2 Reflection

This week, I tried out many different modeling programs, both 2D and 3D, and experimented with designing inside of them. Overall, I concluded that I found Fusion the easiest to work with in 3D modeling. Additionally, I enjoyed 2D editing with Gimp, a high-level editing software that was also easy to begin using. Additionally, the Charlotte Latin Fab Lab was offered the unique opportunity to use Oculus Quest 2 VR headsets, allowing us to model in VR with Gravity Sketch. Although this was a novel and admittedly cool experience, the many flaws inherent in Gravity Sketch mean that I would only ever use this program for viewing designs, not creating them. Overall, this week led me to appreciate the sheer number of different designing softwares avaliable for use, and the nuances and differences between each of them.