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12. Machine building

This week revolved around machine building

‘Pilvi’ router project

For machine buildin, we didn’t do an individual project, instead, we combined our forces in a significant group assignment.

Our group set out to build a 2D plotter, a machine that can draw 2D shapes with a pen using gcode.

You can find our group repo here

As I was vacationing in the beginning of the week, I joined the project a bit late. The rest of the group have been really busy, constructing the plotter and setting up the microcontroller.

For my part, I designed and built XY-limit switches for the plotter. In this way, the plotter could be consistently zeroed to a 0,0 position, making operation much more convenient and safe.

My system consists of two microswitches, their mounts and cabling. The first step was finding microswitches. The ones I found are really large, but will serve their purpose.

I identified some possible placement points for limit switches, and sketched out approximate dimensions for holders. I then CADded and lser cut them. Quite sdtraight forward process all in all

The switches have a common ground and individual VCC lines to the grbl shield. Wiring is done with headers and breadboard wires.

The X-limit switch brackets needed to be trimmed a bit, easy job with pliers!

Last update: June 12, 2023