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1. Principles and practices

Fab Academy lets go!

Final project idea

I like 3D-printing. In, fact i have my own machine running at home.

Meet Bender the Ender. Or Jätkäsaari Spaghetti Factory. My cheapo Creality Ender-3. It has served me quite well, but lacks one feature I’d really like.

Several times I’ve had the need to 3D-print away from home, for instance when at my family’s summer home or similiar. As a part of my theatre project I will also be on tour, where a capability to fabricate spares in case something breaks would be awesome!

The solution I’m visualizing is a portable 3D printer. I’m imagining as a minimum baseline, something close to the capability of my ender-3 in terms of build volume, quality etc, but possible to fold into a convenient package, like a suitcase.

Behold my impressive 1min image edit:

The gantry design is subject to change. In fact, i think the stock ender system of two Al-extrusions probably isn’t the best approach for this project.

There have clearly been attempts at this previously, so I’ll start by investigating existing solutions developed at fab academy.

Future note


As a clever person with good supply side time management, I decided to work on two projects at the same time. Predictably the other one blew up to huge proportions and started eating into my final project time. The solution. Switch final project! I still wanna work on the printer at “some point” (TM) but for now the realistic option is to complete one project in time.

You can find the project here

Last update: June 12, 2023