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Final Project
Week 0: Digital Fabrication Principles and Practices
Week 1: Collaborative Technical Development, Documentation and Project Management
Week 2: Computer Aided Design
Week 3: Computer Controlled Cutting
Week 4: Electronics Production
Week 5: 3D Scanning and Printing
Week 6: Electronics Design
Week 7: Moulding and Casting
Week 8: Embedded Programming
Week 9: Computer Controlled Machining
Week 10: Input Devices
Week 11: Composites
Week 12: Interface and Application Programming
Week 13: Output Devices
Week 14: Networking and Communications
Week 15: Mechanical Design and Machine Design
Week 16: Applications and Implications
Week 17: Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
Week 18: Project Development
Week 19: Final Project Presentation

Project Development

Progress of the final project has significantly slowed due to the fustrations of the past week.  I began rethinking how I am able redesign my project and develop it iteratively through small chunks of already know processes.  Therefore, I decided to adapt the transmit receive and temperature the input boards from Week 10 to form a network in conjunction with a Hello Arduino controller.  Essentially, this is the same processes that I tried to incorporate into a previous larger board but broken down into chunks which I am able to debug and troubleshoot a lot easier.  The idea of using an RF component hasn't been neglected completely as I believe once I am able to get the three electronic parts (i.e. Arduino, Temperature Board & TxRx board) communicating with one another over a network I can implement and integrate the RF component more easily - Although this element will be wholly time and commitment dependent.

Electronics re-appraisal:

Using the monochrome .png's of the Temperature and TxRx boards I removed the FTDI jumpers within GIMP to reduce the size of the boards.  I milled the boards using the previously defined protocols in Week 4
TxRx Board
Temperature Board

After milling and stuffing the boards I realised to enable me to potentially troubleshoot the boards it was necessary to provide a facility to read data coming off from the individual boards independently, so I also constructed a simple FTDI to 6 pin jumper breakout board.
FTDI to 6 PIN breakout

Once I had achieved this, I flashed the boards with the example C codes in Week 10 to check they were working and used the FTDI breakout to check that these boards were functioning correctly through the graphical application also available in Week 10.  Unfortunately, the TxRx board functioned correctly but I noticed that if I were to connect both jumpers (i.e. the 4 & the 6 pin)  with the robust plastic female headers, I couldn't! So I had to redesign the TxRx board within in Eagle to increase the distance between the two headers.
New txrx board

The developing of a controller board was simple enough as I followed the Hello Arduino given in Week 8, I went for this controller as it gave me the ability if necessary to add the RF component to the board.  I milled and stuffed the board and flashed and uploaded a sketch through Arduino IDE using the protocols shown in Week 17.  Additionally, I uploaded the 'blink' sketch to every pin in turn to check the board was functioning correctly.
Hello Ardunio
Testing Board

Embedded Programming (Part 1):

To allow the input boards to work over a network, I added the networking code shown in Week 14 to the embedded programming of the input board.  Firstly, here for the temperature board and here for the moisture sensor board, with the .make files, here & here.  Here I had to change the input pins and the output pins to coincide with the program I will be implementing for the controller board.  I decided just to change te existing embedded code as it gave me all the correct filenames and protocols to program the inputs through AVR.  Note I had to redesign my FTDI to 6-pin jumper board as I didn't include a link to transmit pin!

The programming of the controller board will I believe be slightly more complicated to achieve, as I want to create a system that asks for a reading at a set interval, which will be achieved by requesting a value from the node ID at a given time.  Once I have completed this I will begin working up a python program to display the data in realtime using MatPlotLib library and export the file as a .txt file to provide further analysis.  Furthermore, a calibration procedure will need to be undertaken as the values reported from the TxRx and currently not correct for moisture content of a timber.

Mounting the circuits:
To mount the circuit within the case, I decided to design small lugs in Rhino that were then printed out using a 3D printer from this .stl file that can simply be glued to the circuit board and fixed to the casing to allow wires to pass underneath the circuit where necessary (this was necessary in the previous electronic design).
3D Rhino Model
3D Printed Circuit Mounts

What I have still left to do?

Develop the moisture sensoring prongs, and continue with the embedded programming for the Controller and design the Python program to display the realtime results.

For Final Project Report Click HERE

Designed by T&G
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