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Final Project
Week 0: Digital Fabrication Principles and Practices
Week 1: Collaborative Technical Development, Documentation and Project Management
Week 2: Computer Aided Design
Week 3: Computer Controlled Cutting
Week 4: Electronics Production
Week 5: 3D Scanning and Printing
Week 6: Electronics Design
Week 7: Moulding and Casting
Week 8: Embedded Programming
Week 9: Computer Controlled Machining
Week 10: Input Devices
Week 11: Composites
Week 12: Interface and Application Programming
Week 13: Output Devices
Week 14: Networking and Communications
Week 15: Mechanical Design and Machine Design
Week 16: Applications and Implications
Week 17: Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
Week 18: Project Development
Week 19: Final Project Presentation

Output Devices

The project for this week was to create an output device and program to make it do something.  From the lecture notes there were varying differing output examples that we could experiment with, because my knowledge and understanding of electronics is fairly minimal I decided to try to construct and program the LED Array example.  Using the trace .png for the LED array example, I milled out the board using the same workflow that we had used previous in weeks.  Additionally because the board was fairly tightly packed I found it benefical to ensure that any remaining unused and unmilled bits of copper trace were removed with a craft knife.

LED Array:
I carefully began stuffing the board ensure that the anode and the cathodes of the LED's was correctly aligned with the layout of the board.
Component layout
Stuffed LED Array

Once the board was fully stuffed I programmed the board using my FabISP, I was really surprised that it worked first time because of all the precise soldering necessary for all the LED's.
LED Array programmed

I soon found the reason why it worked first time because when I uploaded the first program a line of LED's did not light up.  On closer inspection I realised that one of the LED's was orientated in the wrong direction and I noticed that this didn't affect the other lines because it was placed in parallel and thus only affected the LED's linked directly to it.  Similarly, the programming of the board was not influenced by the LED arrangements so as long as the ATtiny44 was position and soldered correctly the board would program without any issues.
Programmed Board 1
Programmed Board 2

I removed the incorrectly soldered LED and correctly realigned it - once I had done this the board and all the LED's worked.

Programming LED Array:
The next part of the assignment required me to reprogram the board.  I studied the example C code that I used to test if the board was working correctly and began manipulating the code.  I expanded the C code to select which LED were lit in a cycle, the expanded element of the C code is shown below.
C Code LED Array

Here is a picture showing each stage of the LED array cycle.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3

Designed by T&G
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