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Final Project
Week 0: Digital Fabrication Principles and Practices
Week 1: Collaborative Technical Development, Documentation and Project Management
Week 2: Computer Aided Design
Week 3: Computer Controlled Cutting
Week 4: Electronics Production
Week 5: 3D Scanning and Printing
Week 6: Electronics Design
Week 7: Moulding and Casting
Week 8: Embedded Programming
Week 9: Computer Controlled Machining
Week 10: Input Devices
Week 11: Composites
Week 12: Interface and Application Programming
Week 13: Output Devices
Week 14: Networking and Communications
Week 15: Mechanical Design and Machine Design
Week 16: Applications and Implications
Week 17: Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
Week 18: Project Development
Week 19: Final Project Presentation

3D Scanning and Printing

This weeks lecture provided an introduction to 3D scanning and printing and the necessary programs used to enable you to do these process.

3D Scanning:

Initially I started with the 3D scanning part of the assignmment.  Here at the MakLab the available 3D scanning machine was the Next Engine, for observing other people scanning objects I decided to go for an object that had a matte finish in order to get good clarity for my object.  Looking I found a scallop shell, that I thought would be interesting as it had a highly textured finish and a myriad of colours on the underside.

Due to the fact that the rubber fixings that were to fix the object were in white, I removed them and placed corresponding black rubber pads so that there was enough contrast between the predominately white shell and the object scanning mounting to enable me to correctly identify each and remove the necessary parts after the scan had finished.  The properitary programming supplied for scanning was very easy to use to enable the scanning.  It is very wise to conduct a trial scan on just one face/orientation before commencing the full 3D scan to ensure the necessary clarity, detail is achieved and whether or not the object needs dusting to allow for the object to be scanned properly.  Another element that should be checked is the distance of the object from the scanner to ensure that the object is within the optimal range for the scanning type, a handy diagram within the program will show you the correct depth, also it is wise to check that when the object rotates 360 degrees it stay within the area you selected for scanning. Use the test has been undertaken, you can conduct the full scan (the length of which will vary with the scan density and quality).  During the scanning process, the program takes .jpg pictures at the varying orientations, I have imported a few below to get an idea of the object that is being scanned.
Shell 1
Shell 2
Shell 3

Once the scan had completed the program showed a 3D model of the shell, unfortunately it seemed to be formed of two faces that were set independent from each other.  Using the scanning package, trimed off the restrainted pads (that were attached to the turntable) and I tried the smooth command, but this didn't join the two faces of the shell, it just smoothed the surface of the connected wireframed segments.
Smoothed Model 1
Smoothed Model 2
Smoothed Model 3
Failing this I tried the 'fuse' command but this process didn't work either.  I believe it is because the edge of the shell was too thin for the scan settings and the scanner did not pick up the edge of the shell and thereby failed to connected the two seemingly seperate entities.
Failed scan fuse

Thereby the only option was to try and repair the wireframe manually, I saved the model as a .stl and opened it with the program MeshLab to see whether this was feasible and then I could attempt to 3D print a scaled down version of the shell.  Unfortunately, the holes in the wire frame were too many to do manually in the time allocated, so I decided to move onto the 3D printing section of the assignment.
Wire Mesh 1
Wire Mesh 2
Wire Mesh 3
Wire Mesh 4

3D Printing:

For the 3D printing section of the assignment, made a simple model with solids in Rhino, to form a shape to print.  I used several solids with some boolean functions to create a interesting shape, that are still small enough to print within a reasonable timescale.
3D Model

I then exported the file as a .stl model that created a 3D file, I then opened the file in MeshLab to check whether there were any holes in the wireframe that will cause issues with the 3D print.  Luckily there were no holes in the wireframe, so I imported the file into Cura (the program here that is used for creating printable 3D files).  Cura gives a representation of the base of the 3D printer, from which you can scale the project easily using the embedded scaling tool.  Once you are happy with the size and the density (i.e the amount of internal fill) of the print you then you can export it to a G-code.  The G-code, is a horizontal by horizontal slice guide for the laser printer to follow and the program will give you an estimated time to completion - my project took in the region of 20-25mins.  After the G-code is created it is then placed on a SD card and inserted into the machine for printing.  The whole process was effortless and yielded fairly good results, although at the beginning, you should keep an eye on the noozle to ensure that the initial outline does not foul the 3D print.

3D Printing
3D Printing 4 3D Printing 3
3D Printing 4 3D Printing 2 3D Printing 5
3D Printing 7
3D Printing 8
3D Printing 9

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