logo FAB ACADEMY 2013

About me


In this website you are going to find all the exercises, posts and projects done by me during the
Fab Academy
2013. I am attending the Fab Academy through the new FabLab in Glasgow, which is presently based in The Lighthouse, Scotland's Centre for Design and Architecture and is being mentored by the existing FabLab in Manchester.

So... What is Fab Lab?

Fab Lab is about creating opportunities for anyone to develop and realise their ideas by allowing them access to digital fabrication.  Thereby empowering people through open access and a supportive environment to technology that would not otherwise be freely available.

Fab Academy was a concept started by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2005 and now there are more than 35 Fab Labs spreaded around the world from America to Europe.

I am undertaking the four month programme were we will learn "how to create almost everything". The course is organised in a way where each week students from all the different Fab Labs in the world can follow the class via a videoconference.

There are different assignments to execute each week in the local labs, and then it will be presented in the virtual class and explained it here in my website.


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