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Final Project
Week 0: Digital Fabrication Principles and Practices
Week 1: Collaborative Technical Development, Documentation and Project Management
Week 2: Computer Aided Design
Week 3: Computer Controlled Cutting
Week 4: Electronics Production
Week 5: 3D Scanning and Printing
Week 6: Electronics Design
Week 7: Moulding and Casting
Week 8: Embedded Programming
Week 9: Computer Controlled Machining
Week 10: Input Devices
Week 11: Composites
Week 12: Interface and Application Programming
Week 13: Output Devices
Week 14: Networking and Communications
Week 15: Mechanical Design and Machine Design
Week 16: Applications and Implications
Week 17: Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
Week 18: Project Development
Week 19: Final Project Presentation

Interface and Application Programming

This week's assignment is to write an application that interfaces with the input devices that I constructed in Week 11.  For this I decided to use the Processing programming language to attempt to visualize the data from the sensor on your input device board.

The idea is to create sketches that use the Processing serial libaries to read sensor input from my hello input devices boards.  For my final project I was thinking about trying display values from multiple sensors on a graph against time, whilst logging the data which can then be downloaded and analysed further independently to understand any patterns or correlations of the input being received.

Using Processing:
I began by running through the tutorials that are present in the processing website, initially to enable correct functioning of Processing it is nessary to create a directory and add a permission key.  This was achieved in Terminal by typing:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lock
sudo chmod 777 /var/lock

Once the permissions were set I tested a couple sample sketches to ensure that the sensor input was working correctly.  Altering the sample sketches found here was easy enough to alter the graphical representation of the variable input received from the sensor board.  I initially started with the hello light board sketch and found it fairly easy to alter the rudimentary elements of the GUI, without radically altering the processing code.

Using Python:

I began to look at the Python code we used to check the sensor board was working and began trying to look at the code and understand the fundamentals of what was happening. To modify the code I downloaded TextWrangler as a basic code editor as the Xcode freely available for OSX crashed on a regular basic - I found TextWrangler to be the most stable application.  Looking through the Python example for hello.temp.45, I could understand the code or at least I could see what areas of the code related to which part of the program apart from the 'idle routine' and find 'framing command routine' see below.
Example Python Code

These routines relate to the processing of the data coming directly from the attiny45 chip.  The data received from the chip is in the form of 8 bit bytes that are sent with a low and a high data set which are then formed into a 16bit equivalent of a 10bit number by multiplying the high part by 256 and adding it to the low bit value.  Note this 256 value is the arbitary value for 8bit processors - this value will change depending on the amount of bytes being delievered from the chip.

After understanding the processes involved I began altering the interface using the combination of Tkinter and Python to create alter the example already provided by attempting to insert pictures into the interface.  A handy page for the necessary commands using the Tkinter widget within Python is found here.  I developed the code using the commands for the widget and picked to simple pictures from the internet to display the the extremes of the values (i.e.light & dark).  This process was fairly time consuming and needed some fine tuning to allow for a smooth transistion for the coordinate values between light and dark, which will depend on the size of the picture you are using.  The code I developed from the hello.light.45.py is shown below.
Python Program

Here is three snapshots of the graphical representations at three different light levels, showing light to dark respectively.


Using Matplotlib:

With a view of what I might do in my final project I decided to see if I could get a realtime graphical update for the data coming from the input sensor serial port against time in a x and y graph.  To do this I began by downloading Matplotlib, an ensuring it was tethered to the correct version of Python by constructing an example graph.  At present I am having difficulty in trying to get the data into the correct format for plotting on a graph format, after reviewing the necessary processes needed to extract the correct data from the chip  (i.e. the transformation formula above), I am fairly confident that I should be able to develop a rudimentary system for displaying real time data, that could be potentially implemented in my final project.

Designed by T&G
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