Project Development


Complete your final project, tracking your progress:

Now I am finished with my final project. In general I am also very satisfied with the results of my modular robot system. For more information : Morph3Dbot


When I started planning my final project, I wrote down all the tasks I had to do to complete my final project. For this purpose I wrote down the estimated time. With my calculation I came to 32 days work. This exceeds the time I had for my final project. So I had to write down some tasks. Furthermore I decided that everything does not have to be perfect and I was able to add more days and then it was only 14 days left. That was acceptable, I had already started planning the project a little earlier. The time plan was also quite good, only the boards were fine so I was faster than I thought. And in the end I had a little more time for the filming.

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

I have created most of the 3D printed parts that I wanted to create.
I am also satisfied with the PCBs, even though I got a lot of new ideas for sensor and actuator boards. With the storage of my system I am very satisfied it is finished. Of course there could be a lot of improvements afterwards but it is only a first prototype.
Also with the programming I have become so far feritg that I can show something.
Because it is a modular robot system you will never really finish because you can always create other extensions in all areas but for my final, what I have created should be enough.

What's working? what's not?

The basic concept for the assembly of the robot body is 3D printed. The version with magnets works very well in most cases. At one point or another I have to rework the parts in detail and the mounting for the motors has to be more stable.
The communication and the circuit boards work very well but can of course be extended even more. The boards are currently only prototypes and can be improved.

What questions need to be resolved?

Next I have to look at testing the system with the user group and see how they like it and what can be improved. Furthermore I have to see how to make the parts in the best way.

What will happen when?

Next, I try to eradicate some of the children's diseases in the disparate parts. Then I would like to rework the circuit boards and have them reworked so they have a longer life.

What have you learned?

A lot... I have learned many new skills and have also been able to improve existing ones. Especially in the area of circuit boards and cnc milling machines I have learned a lot. Also here gezeit has been doing this and trying out again and again helps to learn something. And I have also learnt something new in terms of time management. How much time do I need from an idea to the product. What do I have to make sure that everything is ready on time? When is an idea lost because there is no time to implement it and so on.