How I Created Push/Pull Door Signs Using Vinyl Cutter

Hey everyone! I want to share how I made push and pull door signs using a vinyl cutter. I'll walk you through my process and show you exactly what I did.

Getting Started

  • First thing I did was to familiarize myself with the vinyl cutting machine and its operations
  • Downloaded the required software for the vinyl cutter
  • Installed the software using the provided CD key
Software Interface

The software interface after installation

Design Process

I started by creating the text elements in the software.

Text Design Process

Creating the text design in the software

Text Design Process

Creating the text design in the software

Text Design Process

Creating the text design in the software

Cutting Process

Before the final cut, I performed a test cut to ensure everything was properly set up.

Test Cut Process

Results of the test cut showing clean edges

Final Cutting

  • Loaded the vinyl material into the machine
  • Double-checked all settings
  • Initiated the cutting process
Cutting Process

The vinyl test for calibration in action

Application Process

After cutting, I carefully removed the excess vinyl and prepared for application.

Vinyl Application

remove the sign

Vinyl Application

remove the sign

Final Result

Final Result

The completed push and pull signs installed on the door