How I Created My Cat Face in GIMP

Hey everyone! I want to share how I made this cute cat face in GIMP. I'll walk you through my process and show you exactly what I did.

Getting Started

  • First thing I did was to download the GIMP and Installed the app
  • create a new file. I went to File > New to make a new canvas.
New Image dialog with  size selected

Setting up my canvas size - I used screen default because that's what I needed

I chose these settings:

  • Width: 1920 pixels
  • Height: 1080 pixels
  • Resolution: 300 pixels/inch

Making the Face Shape

Okay, so for the main face, I started with the Rectangle Select Tool - you can find it on the toolbar or just press R.

The cool thing is, I discovered you can make rounded corners! I played with the settings at the bottom until I got the shape I wanted.

Tool options with rounded corners enabled

Look at those rounded corner settings

This is how my base shape looked - pretty basic!

Adding the Ears

For the ears, I got creative with the Ellipse Select Tool (press E). I made two big circles at the top.

Ellipse tool creating ear shapes

Making the ears was fun - I just drew two big circles

Creating the Eyes

The eyes were tricky! I made new layers for them (always use layers - learned that the hard way 😅).

Layers panel with eye layers

Keep your layers organized - it makes life so much easier!

Eyes with white backgrounds and black centers

The eyes really started bringing the face to life

The Nose and Mouth

The nose was just a triangle with two circles for nostrils. I used the Paths Tool (B) for the triangle - it makes really clean lines!

Nose creation process

Making the nose - simple shapes can look really good together

Curve tool creating mouth details

Creating all those curves and line for teeth took time but i learned the Basic

Final cat face design

My finished cat face! What do you think?🙈

Files and Video of the all process

  1. for the full video
  2. for orginal file face cat gimp.xcf

My First Steps with Inkscape: Creating again Cat Face

I'm just starting out with Inkscape,a choose the same simple cat face design.

Getting Started with Inkscape

I began by watching a basic tutorial about Inkscape youtube video. I picked this particular video because it covered the basics I needed for laser cutting.

Inkscape workspace showing new document setup

My Inkscape workspace setup

Starting with Basic Shapes

First, I drew a rectangle - nothing fancy, just a basic shape to start with. Then I thought, "Well, a cat needs ears!" so I added two circles at the top.

Basic rectangle and circles for face and ears

Starting with basic rectangle

created a rounded rectangle and circles for ears

Starting with basic shapes for the face and ears

Making the Face Come Alive

The next part created rounded circle for the eyes, one rounded circle for the mounth and triangle for the nooze with a white color

Eye holes and nose creation

Adding the essential face details eyes, nooze and mouth

Adding two black circles for both eyes and noozes

Eye holes and nose creation

Adding the essential face details eyes and nooze shape

Adding the Final Details

The mouth was probably the trickiest part. I wanted to add some teeth to make it more interesting but is was easy that the GIMP.

Mouth design with tooth shapes

Creating the mouth with custom tooth shapes

What I Learned

Through this project, I figured out quite a few things about Inkscape:

  • How to use the path tools to create and edit shapes
  • Creating new files and setting up the document properties
  • Working with millimeters (which is super important for laser cutting)
  • Exporting my work

Files and Video of the all process

  1. for the full video
  2. for orginal file face cat inkscape.svg

Creating My Project Mockup in Pixlr Express

Hey! Let me tell you about how I made my project Mockup using Pixlr Express.

I started by going to I was already logged in from a previous project (can't quite remember what it was, but hey, it saved me some time!).

Pixlr Express homepage

This is where it all started - the Pixlr Express main page

Creating the Base Layout

First thing I needed was a rectangle frame for my interface. I hunted around the tools until I found what I needed:

  • Clicked on the rectangle frame tool
  • Drew out the main shape for my project
Creating the rectangle frame

My first step - making the main frame

Adding the Display Screen

Next came the important part - the LCD display area. I did some research first to figure out what size would work best.

Adding the LCD screen

Adding the display - had to get the size just right

Making the Control Panel

Creating the Number Pad

I needed quite a few buttons:

  • Numbers from 0-16
  • Made them all the same size for consistency
  • Arranged them in a grid
Number pad layout

Setting up all those number buttons took some time!

Navigation Controls

Then I added the navigation buttons:

  • Left arrow
  • Right arrow
  • Forward button
  • Back button
  • Yes button
  • Cancel button
Navigation buttons

All the buttons that help you move around the interface

Adding Special Features

The Enter and Cancel Buttons

Made these stand out since they're important:

  • Created the Enter button
  • Added the Cancel button
  • Made sure they were easy to spot

Adding Guide Markers

I wanted to add some helpful RFID hint, so I created what I call "stickers" - they show users where they should tap their card.

Adding guide markers

Little visual hints to help people use the card

Safety Features

Emergency Controls

Safety first! I added:

  • An emergency stop button
  • Made it really visible and easy to find
Emergency button

The emergency stop - super important!

Status Lights

Added some LED indicators to show:

  • If there's a problem
  • When everything's working fine
  • Other important status info
Status LEDs

These lights help you know what's going on

Finishing Up

The last thing I did was name it "MakerGate" - straight to the point!

Final design with name

The finished product - pretty happy with how it turned out!

Files and Video of the all process

  1. for the full video
  2. for orginal file Project Mocup Pixrl.pxz

Creating My project Cover in FreeCAD: My 3D Modeling Journey

Getting Started with Research

Hey everyone! I started by watching a YouTube tutorial about creating a box in FreeCAD youtube video - it wasn't exactly what I wanted to make, but it had a lot of similar techniques I could use.

FreeCAD interface when first opened

This is where my journey started - the FreeCAD workspace

Creating the Basic Shape

First, after creating the Box body, I jumped into the sketching area and created a rectangle that matched my mockup's dimensions.

Sketcher workbench with rectangle

Starting with a simple rectangle - sometimes the simplest starts are the best!

Moving to Part Design

After getting my basic shape, I switched over to Part Design. This is where things got interesting:

  • Used the padding tool to give my shape some depth
  • Made it 100 millimeters thick to fit all my components
Part Design with padded shape

Making that flat shape into a 3D box - pretty cool to see it come to life!

Adding Screw Holes

Next came the important part - adding holes for the screws:

  1. Created circular pads for each screw location
  2. Made sure they were properly aligned
  3. Saved this as my front body - super important for later!
Front body with screw holes

Adding those screw holes took some careful measuring

Creating the Back Cover

Here's where it got interesting:

  1. Created another body for the back cover
  2. Used the front body as a reference
  3. Added matching screw holes
  4. Included stands for the cover to rest on
Back cover creation

Making the back cover to match the front

Using the Mirror Tool

This was a cool trick I learned:

  • Used the mirror tool to copy the details to the other side
  • Saved me tons of time not having to redo everything
  • Made sure everything lined up perfectly
Using the mirror tool

The mirror tool was like magic - copy once, use twice!

Connecting the Parts

The final step was connecting everything:

  1. Created a new body to join the front and back
  2. Used the Makerlink tool in FreeCAD
  3. Made sure everything fit together properly
Connecting the bodies

Bringing all the pieces together - this was satisfying!

Planning Component Layout

Last but not least:

  • Made a sketch showing where all components would go
  • Helped me make sure everything would fit
  • Gave me a good reference for assembly later
Component layout sketch

Planning where everything goes - measure twice, cut once!

What I Learned

This project taught me a lot about:

  • Working with multiple bodies in FreeCAD
  • Using the mirror tool effectively
  • Planning ahead for component space
  • Making sure parts align correctly

Creating a Quick Return Mechanism in OnShape

I started by ready the Resources Shared by Luciana on the email and by watching a YouTube tutorial that shows how to create one youtube video

Signup with the fablab provided account from the email

  1. Opening the invite link:
    • signup just the same email and the password
    • then login
  2. Connecting the bodies

    email sent by fablab

    Connecting the bodies

    login page

Getting the Initial Setup Just Right

how I set up my workspace in OnShape:

  1. Opening the right workspace:
    • Clicked on "Part Studio"
    • Selected the right plane (this is super important!)
    • Used 'N' key for normal view
    • Used 'P' to hide planes (makes it much cleaner)
  2. Connecting the bodies

    the part studio starting point.

The Base Rectangle (Super Important!)

This part needs to be perfect because everything builds on it:

  1. Starting the center point rectangle:
    • Pressed 'S' for sketch
    • Clicked exactly on the origin point
    • Dragged out while holding Shift to keep it level
    • Made sure to use these exact measurements:
      • Width: 122mm (this is crucial!)
      • Height: 12mm
    • Double-checked that it was centered on origin
  2. Connecting the bodies

    the part studio starting point.

The Vertical Structure (This Was Tricky)

Here's exactly how I made the vertical part work:

  1. Creating the two-point rectangle:
    • Started from the midpoint of the base
    • Used these measurements:
      • Width: 16mm
      • Height: 166mm
    • Important tip: Make sure it's perfectly vertical!
    • Used the midpoint constraint to keep it centered
  2. Adding constraints:
    • Used vertical constraint tool
    • Checked alignment with base
    • Made sure everything was fully defined
  3. Connecting the bodies

    the part studio starting point.

The Tricky Pivot Points

This part was challenging, so here's exactly what I did:

  1. First pivot:
    • Made it 4mm vertical dimension
    • Positioned exactly 10mm from bottom
    • Used construction lines for alignment
    • Added midpoint constraint
  2. Second pivot (wheel and pin):
    • Set width to 32mm exactly
    • Height: 8mm
    • Critical 2mm distance from edge
    • Added the 4mm pin
    • Vertical distance: 72mm (super important!)
  3. Connecting the bodies

    the part studio starting point.

The Complex Dovetail Slider (Step by Step)

This was probably the trickiest part. Here's my exact process:

  1. Starting the rectangles:
    • First rectangle:
      • Width: 16mm
      • Height: 12mm
    • Second rectangle:
      • Pin size: 4mm
      • Distance: 6mm
  2. Critical alignments:
    • Used vertical constraints
    • Added midpoint relations
    • Made sure everything was symmetric
    • Created construction lines for guidance
  3. The dovetail angle (this is crucial):
    • Pressed 'LQ' for construction line
    • Set exact 8mm distance
    • Made precisely 18-degree angle
    • Used horizontal constraint ('H' key)
    • Mirrored across centerline
  4. Connecting the bodies

    the part studio starting point.

The 3D Transformation

Here's exactly how I turned it into 3D:

  1. First extrude the base rectangle:
    • Selected base plate
    • Used symmetric extrude
    • Depth: 102mm exactly
    • Kept sketch visible (this helps!)
  2. Second extrude:
    • 188mm symmetric
    • Made sure to select right faces
    • Checked alignment
  3. Final extrude:
    • 18mm symmetric
    • Added to both parts
    • Double-checked connections
Connecting the bodies Connecting the bodies Connecting the bodies Connecting the bodies Connecting the bodies Connecting the bodies

the crack sketch2.

Connecting the bodies

the crack ectruded and well aligned.

The Assembly Process (Making It All Work)

This part needs extra attention:

  1. Revolute mates:
    • Selected cylindrical faces first
    • Made sure rotation axis aligned
    • Double-checked freedom of movement
  2. Slider mates:
    • Selected right faces
    • Aligned Z-axis properly
    • Tested movement before continuing
  3. Tangent mates (this was tricky):
    • Turned off tangent propagation
    • Selected curved faces carefully
    • Checked motion after each mate
  4. Connecting the bodies

    the final Assembly.

    Click Here to view the project on ONSHAPE

Testing and Troubleshooting

Here's what to check if things aren't moving right:

  1. All pivot points should rotate freely
  2. Slider should move smoothly
  3. No binding in the mechanism
  4. All mates properly constrained
  5. and the similation is working

Extra Tips I Learned

  1. For precise sketching:
    • Use construction lines liberally
    • Double-check all constraints
    • Look for the blue (fully defined) color
  2. For 3D features:
    • Build symmetrically when possible
    • Check relations before accepting
    • Use the rollback bar to fix mistakes
  3. For assembly:
    • Test motion frequently
    • Use mate connectors for complex alignments
    • Keep track of degrees of freedom

tool used to compresed my videos and images