5th week Assignment

3D Scanning and Printing


Group Assignment

Test the design rules for your 3D printer(s)

Please for group assignment details visit Anderson Zelarayan Web Page.

Individual Assignment

Design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively

I decided to use Fusion 360 to run this assignment. I decided to develop something something with motion, to learn how to desing a hingle, that I would need for my final project.

Using Fusion 360

I followed these steps:

  1. I click on sketch, there I choose ZX plane orientation
  2. Then, on the new menu I choose create
  3. After, select 2-Point Rectangle to create one up to 20x6mm
  4. Inside I drew a 4x6 mm, thus I've obtained 2 rectangles a small one up to 4x6 mm and the big one of 16x6mm
  5. Along rectangle's left side, I drew three circles
    • Small diameter: 3mm
    • Middle diameter: 3.70mm, I considered that 0.7mm will be the free space that would allow the hinge to function
    • Bigger diameter: 6mm
  6. Then, I use Extude Function
    • First, 4mm extrusion for all components
    • Then I extrude only the small circle and the bigger rectangle up to 6mm
  7. With extrude we'll get a body
  8. Then, I use Mirror Function to duplicate only the central body
  9. I applied Extrude Function set a similar body extreme with all sketch components
  10. I repeated the procedure, so we could get a butt hingle
  11. I set a 1st and 2nd as components
  12. After we need to establish a joint between the two components, so we can applied revolte
  13. Thus, we can set position of both components, and pint out one component to the ground
  14. I applied Fillet Function to the components borders
  15. I open the hinge so, I can insert a text into the hinge. I chose "ESAN" as a text
  16. I extrude the letter with a negative length, so it could be some kind engraved
  17. In the second component I wrote the same text, but extuded with a positive length, to made them in high relief

You can view the process that I followed in the next video

You can get access to the hinge here.

Using ThinkerCad

I found a tutorial on how to make How to Make A Dual Name Tray from a Youtube Channel called Teaching3DPrinting with 3.27 K suscriptores. You can get access here

  1. I create my account on here

  2. I click on sketch, and did the following process
  3. I chose Text option twice and include my two names on caps "NALDI" and "SUSAN", because you'll nedd names with the same quantity of letters
  4. I make both texts to have the same sizes (100x20 mm), with 10 mm height
  5. I rotate both texts 90° and make the base to set the platform base

  6. I turn them both holes
  7. I increase texts widths to 100mm
  8. I rotated both 45° at contrary sides, and elevated them both 3mm

  9. I created a 120x30x10mm cube
  10. I allign the three objects to the cube bottom and center them
  11. I grouped the three objects
  12. I created a 50x50x35mm cube, and turned to a hole, rotated it 45° and elevated 3mm from the base

  13. I moved the hole cube to each letter that I want to desapear, and group the objects to disapeare them
  14. I Repeat this process until I only had left the central letters
  15. I created a new hole cube, but this time to reduce the letters' platform width
  16. You can see the final result in the following photos

  17. Printing Process

    I used the 3D printer Creator Pro Flashforge to print this design. This Printer works with its own slicer FlashPrint. Its configuration considered a standard print that accounts for a 60mm/s of printingspeed, using 0.18 mm as layer height, a 15% of Fill density

  18. Print time was 3 Hours and 33 Minutes

  19. You can see the final printintg result in the following photos

You can get access to the letters files here.

3D scan an object (and optionally print it)

I decided to try some Apps available for iPhones.

Using 3d Acanner App

I followed these steps:

  1. I look download, the App
  2. When you open it, provides you with different options , like shown in the photo

  3. I push the red buttom and started to scan my living room

  4. You've got the option to export your scan in different formats, like shown in the photo below

You can view the process that I followed in the next video

  1. I look forward to scan something smaller like one of my Funkos
  2. I Use TRNIO App, it provides some scans gallery

  3. I pushed the camara icon to start scanning
  4. I tried twice

  5. You can view both scan results in the following videos