Final Project
Here you can find the final project details

In this section I will describe my final project. I will share details of the different parts and components of my final individual project.
Here you can find the final project details
In this section I will describe my final project. I will share details of the different parts and components of my final individual project.
Wellcome world! Let me present myself
I am a technology keen with an engineering background. I have experience on developing infrastructure projects. I work at the fab lab esan since 2015.
This section aims to bring you access to the weekly journey to the fab academy 2024.
I will describe the process giving references and steps, thus, you can replicate and extend experimental processes
Here I will try to organize weekly activities
You will find here some information about which platforms and softwares I tried to manage my weekly projects.
Here you can find progress to fabricate my Individual FabAcademy Project
In this section I will try to show you my final project's ideas evolution. I will try to focus on show you weekly progress on trying to develop different parts and components that could be integrated later to build my final functioning individual project.