Motorized Hidden Pop Up Shelf in Motion

  1. The Mechanical Parts development using 3D Printing Process
  2. I donwloaded the files to printed them, and to have an idea about dimensions. Because I need to test the diferent funko models, not every model present same characteristics. So I can decide if I could used packed or unpacked funkos. I have some problems when printing. i think that it was because my filament was expose to much time to humity.

    I test product dimensions using different kind of funkos, because some special design are wider or taller. So I can decide for which kind of funkos I will develop my final design. I also notice that build something for the unpacked funkos will need something bigger

    Base on testings I started the desing of the mobile top using Fusino 360. At the begining I made mistakes with 3D printing tolerances and the I couldn´t get a mobile desing like show in the photo bellow

    I redesigned the top and I've got a mobile desing and 3D printed it, like show in the following photos

    I also designed the Stepper Motor case like show in the following photos

    I've have to make several trials, due to dimensions that I did not consider at the begining,and that also to include to rectancular holes to incorporate the limit switches. But at the end, the final changes were made due to its high, because it need to be aligned with the mobile top. Like it can be observed in the following photo.

    The third mechanical components are the pair of the linear rail's belt holders. I have made several trials, mostly because I need to adequately place the hexs. You can see the different changes in the following photos that show front and back views of the holders.

    The final mechanical part are the pair of servo motors arms, because commercial design does not fit my design. I have made five trials due to length and width details, to adequately fit the servo and the top cavities.

  3. The Mechanical Parts development using Laser Cutting and CNC Processes
  4. I desinged and fabricated a rectangular platform that would be placed over the linear motion rail.

    I also desinged and fabricated the shelf cover, posses two hexagonal sections and 5 rectangular pieces.

    Finally, I desinged and fabricated the base of the shelf, 1 rectangular piece.

  5. The Electronic Parts
  6. Final project Components

    The following table provides details about the materials and components that I used.

    Quantity Unit Description Origin Cost (USD)
    1 Kg One 3d printing filament China 26.32
    6 Pieces 3mm mdf (0.30x0.60 mm) Chile 4.74
    1 Piece 15mm mdf piece (0.60x 0.80 mm) Chile 6.58
    1 Piece 3mm Color Acrylic (0.30x0.60 mm) Chile 4.74
    1 Und XIAO ESP32C3 China 5.92
    2 Und MG995 Servos Motors China 13.16
    3 Und Micro limit switch 3P SPDT 1A 125V AC China 1.58
    1 Und Nema 17 Stepper Motor China 13.16
    1 Und XL4015 5A Voltage and Current regulator China 6.58
    1 Und Energy source 12V China 13.16
    4 Und One terminal block 2x1 China 0.53
    8 Und One terminal block 3x1 China 1.05
    3 Und One terminal block 4x1 China 0.53
    3 Und Resistors 1k China 0.39
    1 Und DRV8428E driver China 9.21
    1 Und Trimmer 10K China 1.32
    1 Und Unpolarized capacitor 0.1 uF China 0.26
    1 Und Polarized capacitor 100 uF China 1.32
    1 Und Unpolarized capacitor 1 uF China 0.26
    1 Und USB Type-C Connector China 6.58
    1 Und 10 Amps 125 Volts AC Power Cord Cable for Electronics China 2.63
    1 Und MGN12H 350mm Linear Rail 11.6 USA 31.58
    4 Und 1/2 inch Bore Bearing: R8-2RS bearing size: Inner Diameter: 0.5 inches (12.7 mm); Outer Diameter: 1.125 inches (28.575 mm); Width: 0.3125 inches (7.938 mm) USA 6.32
    1 Und GT2 Timing Belt Pulley,16 Teeth 5mm Bore Aluminum Timing Belt Pulley Tool for CNC USA 2.11
    40 cm GT2 Belt 2mm Pitch 6mm Wide USA 1.10
    2 Und M5 Metric Hex Head Socket Cap Bolt China 0.05
    2 Und M5 Metric Hex Nut China 0.05
    4 Und M3 Metric Hex Head Socket Cap Bolt China 0.11
    4 Und M3 Metric Hex Nut China 0.11
    4 Und M3 Metric Screw China 0.11
    4 Und M3 Metric Nut China 0.11
    4 Und M3 Self Drilling Screws for wood China 1.05
    2 Und M8 Self Drilling Screws for wood China 1.05
    - - Dupont cables M-F China 0.66
    - - Dupont cables M-M China 0.66

    Thus, I proceeded to analyse system integration within mechanical design that would be develop for the project:

    Final project Components Integration

    1. ServoMotors
      In this case, the servomortor(s) would be assigned to open and close the front top (like shown in the picture below). My mechanical design in the top consider located at right and left sides of the top.
    2. Limit Switches
      I have 3 micro limit switches. One located at the base of the front top that will be clicked when the shelf is open and the signal will activate the motion platform. (See following photo)

      The others two are located within the stepper motor case, just behind the linear rail in both sides. Thus when the motion platform activates, the belt hasp will reach one limit swith and send the message to stop stepper motor motion. Then when the signal to close the shelf top activate the stepper motor motion again in reverse, the other belt hasp reach the other limit swith to again stop the motor motion and send the signal to close the shelf's top (see the picture below)
    3. Motion Platform
      I replicated the desing of Felix3D printer's platform withone linear rail, that will move forward and backwards with the stepper motor motion.

    Final project PBCs Desing and Fabrication

    1. ServoMotors' PCB
      The servomortor(s) open and close the front top, and both need 5V to function. The difference regarding my assignment on week 8th is that the energy source would come from a power source that will convert 220V to 12v and then will go directly to a XL4015 5A voltage and current regulator. This regulator will provide power to the main board (XiaoESP32-C3). Thus, I consider better to connect directly to this convertor my servo motors. Thus I would only need a PCB with pins for GND, energy and signals for both, with no need for any other component, like shown in the figure below
    2. Limit switches' PCBs
      In this case, because each limit switch is place in different locations, their PBCs only include pins GND, Signal and energy that comes from the XiaoESP32-C3 and a 1k resistor. I machined 3 PCBs, each of them have the following design

    3. Stepper Motor PCB
      In this case I used a DRV8428E driver, that provides directions for the motor motion and to function adequately will receive energy directly from the 12V energy source. It also contains 1 Trimmer 10K, 1 Unpolarized capacitor 0.1 uF, 1 Polarized capacitor 100 uF and Unpolarized capacitor 1 uF. You can see its schematic and PBC desing below

    4. Main Board: XiaoESP32-C3 PCB
      In this case contains the XiaoESP32-C3 with 16 pins. 4 for the stepper motor (step, dir, enable and GND). 3 groups of 3 pin headers for the 3 micro limit switches (Signal, GND and 3V energy). And 3 pins for the servo motors (2 for each servo motor signals and 1 that provides GND for both) You can see its schematic and PBC desing in the phots below

    The following photo shows the 4 PCBs fabricated for the two servo motors (1st on the left) and 3 for the switches.

    The following photo shows the PCBs fabricated for the stepper motor.

    Finally the photo below shows the Main PCBs fabricated for XiaoESP32-C3.

  7. The Programing
  8. I made the program using Arduino IDE, which follow this schema integration, shown in the following image.

    Because the motion will be activated by bluethooth LightBlue App to send open and close action by string. I'm not a complete exprt in programing, but the good thing is that I used the programs of in my previous assigments, and to integrate them my instructors provide me a lot of support. First to modified the servo motor program to make the movement in different direction at the same time. And then to integrate the delays between the signals that provide the micro limit switches that allows to activate and stop the stepper motor motion.

    In this case, the open string to activate the system and open the door. Then the motor gets in forward motion until reaching a limit switch that will stop the motor movement. The close string will activate stepper motor backward motion until reach the next switch. Finally, the order will be to acticate the servo motors backward motion to close the shelf.

    At the begining I included the libraries needed (include bluethoot conexion and servos controller). Then, I define the pins for steppers motors and switches, to declare the servo object.
    The first and second void function includes the servo motor motion up to 90° to open and close wiht 25s delay. The following two void function is to activate the stepper motor motion forwards and backwards

    After I include the information about the connection to bluethooht (adding the information that suggest Xiao). And then defining that the commnad that will received will be a string. The declaring what will happen with "open" string (open the door) and then declaring the movement with "close" string, each of then with 1000ms delay.

    Then comes the part of the code that bring details about the servo motion with 50 hz and their connection with the stepper motor motion (where says "set pins"). Considering that the servos motion in different directions, this part of the coding declare the initial position of both. As you can see on start on 0° and the other one at 90°. At the end the network name connection is declare as "FabLab"

    the code that I've used is the following one:

    #include <BLEDevice.h>
    #include <BLEUtils.h>
    #include <BLEServer.h>
    #include <ESP32Servo.h>
    #define stepPin D0
    #define dirPin D3
    #define enaPin D2
    #define stepsPerRevolution 200
    #define swIn D8
    #define swOut D7
    #define swOpen D9
    Servo myservo1;
    Servo myservo2;  // create servo object to control a servo
    // 16 servo objects can be created on the ESP32
    // Recommended PWM GPIO pins on the ESP32 include 2,4,12-19,21-23,25-27,32-33 
    // Possible PWM GPIO pins on the ESP32-S2: 0(used by on-board button),1-17,18(used by on-board LED),19-21,26,33-42
    // Possible PWM GPIO pins on the ESP32-S3: 0(used by on-board button),1-21,35-45,47,48(used by on-board LED)
    // Possible PWM GPIO pins on the ESP32-C3: 0(used by on-board button),1-7,8(used by on-board LED),9-10,18-21
    #if defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2) || defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3)
    int servoPin = 17;
    #elif defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3)
    int servoPin1 = D4; //
    int servoPin2 = D5; //
    int servoPin = 18;
    int statIn = 0;
    int statOut = 0;
    int statOpen = 0;
    void openDoor(){
    void closeDoor(){
    void moveForward(){
      digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
    void moveBackward(){
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
    // Define the UUIDs for the BLE service and characteristics
    #define SERVICE_UUID        "6698670f-5b28-4069-bcb1-9276ed443012"
    #define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID "56caf526-b906-46b1-a4c9-9eef3ac8cbeb"
    // BLE Server Callbacks
    class MyCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks {
    	void onWrite(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) {
    		String value = pCharacteristic->getValue();
    		if (value.length() > 0) {
    			Serial.print("Received Value: ");
    			for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++)
    			statIn = digitalRead(swIn);
    			statOut = digitalRead(swOut);
    			// Check for 'open' or 'close' commands
    			if (value == "open") {
    				openDoor();  // Open the door
    				digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);
    				  statIn = digitalRead(swIn);
    				}while(statIn != 1);
    				Serial.println("Door Opened");
    			} else if (value == "close") {
    				digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW);
    				  statOut = digitalRead(swOut);
    				}while(statOut != 1);
    				closeDoor(); // Close the door
    				Serial.println("Door Closed");
    void setup() {
    	// Initialize Serial Monitor
    	// Allow allocation of all timers
    	myservo1.setPeriodHertz(50);    // standard 50 hz servo
    	myservo1.attach(servoPin1, 500, 2500); // attaches the servo on pin 18 to the servo object
    	myservo2.attach(servoPin2, 500, 2500);
    	// using default min/max of 1000us and 2000us
    	// different servos may require different min/max settings
    	// for an accurate 0 to 180 sweep
    	// Set pins
    	pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
    	pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
    	pinMode(enaPin, OUTPUT);
    	pinMode(swIn, INPUT);
    	pinMode(swOut, INPUT);
    	pinMode(swOpen, INPUT);
    	//Initial conditions
    	digitalWrite(enaPin, HIGH);
    	// Initialize BLE
    	BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer();
    	BLEService *pService = pServer->createService(SERVICE_UUID);
    	// Create a BLE characteristic
    	BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(
    										 BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ |
    	// Set the callback for receiving data
    	pCharacteristic->setCallbacks(new MyCallbacks());
    	pCharacteristic->setValue("Waiting for commands...");
    	// Start the service
    	// Start advertising
    	Serial.println("Waiting for a client to connect...");
    void loop() {
    	// Nothing to do here, waiting for BLE commands

  9. Bluethooth Connection
  10. Establish Cellphone connectivity with the microcontroller using the LightBlue App, that you can dowload from AppStore (iphone) which recognise first the "FabLab" network that the XiaoESP32-C3 send. The App provides at the begining a list of all available networks, we need select it and click on Connect. Once connected we see the network data.

    The following screen swill show two options write new value and Read. We choose write new value and the app ask to select the type of value. Here we need to choose UTF-8 String

    To activate the shelf motion we need to write open and to close it to write close. You will notice that the time difference between open and close order is one minute

Finally, you can download the fusion final design files in the following links:

  1. The Shelf's Top here.
  2. The Stepper Motor Case here.
  3. The Linear Rail's Holders here.
  4. The Servo Motor's Arm here.
  5. The Shelf Base design here.
  6. The Shelf cover desing here.
You can download the KidCad design files in the following links:
  1. Servo Motors Schematic and PCB here.
  2. Micro Limit Switch Schematic and PCB here.
  3. Stepper Motor Schematic and PCB here.
  4. XiaoESP32-C3 Schematic and PCB here.
You can download the Arduino IDE file in the following links:
  1. Integrated program here.

Motorized Hidden Pop Up Shelf by Naldi Susan Carrion Puelles is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0