Assignment One

Git, HTML, and Project Planning

M Tucci

This week I set up gitlab, created this site, and did some basic project planning for my final project. Assignment instructions can be found here.

Assignment Two


M Tucci

Learning to 3D model using CAD - I played around with several software options, but ultimately modeled a first mockup of my final project with Rhino 8. Also made and compressed some videos :)

Assignment Three

Computer Controlled Cutting

M Tucci

Created a latern with interchangeable panels. Made with paremetric design in Rhino 8 with Grasshopper.

Assignment Four

Electronics Production

M Tucci

Created a printed circuit board (PCB) with a milling machine. Stuffed and soldered the board with LEDs, resistors, etc. Programmed board.

Assignment Five

3D Scanning & Printing

M Tucci

Created a Voronoi sphere with internal "rattle" using a 3D SLA resin printer. 3D scanned some hands. Tried out the 3D printers at the Fab Lab in Barcelona.

Assignment Six

Embedded Programming

M Tucci

This week we learned how computers are made and programmed. I programmed two microcontrollers, Quentorres and Barduino.

Assignment Seven

Computer Controlled Machining

M Tucci

This week we learned to mill with CNC machines. I designed and milled a cylindrical stool. I created a pattern in plywood allowing it to bend and form sides of cylinder.

Assignment Nine

Output Devices

M Tucci

This week I programmed my dev board to blink a haptic motor.

Assignment Ten

Machine Design

M Tucci

This week we worked in a group to create a pottery wheel combining design skills learned across course weeks.

Assignment Eleven

Input Devices

M Tucci

This week I tested a laser time of flight (ToF) distance sensor.

Assignment Twelve

Molding & Casting

M Tucci

This week I molded and casted a top to the side table I built in CNC week.

Assignment Thirteen

Networking & Communication

M Tucci

This week I programmed two boards to talk to communicate with each other over Wifi.

Assignment Fourteen

Interface & Application Programming

M Tucci

This week I programmed a graphic user interface to interact with a haptic motor attached to my development board.

Assignment Fifteen

Wild Card & Digital Embroidery

M Tucci

This week I created digital embroideries and explored miscellaneous digital fabrication techniques.

Assignment Sixteen

System Integration

M Tucci

This week I created a system integration plan for my final project.

Assignment Seventeen

Applications & Implications

M Tucci

This week I focused on scope and defining remaining work for my final project.

Assignment Eighteen

Invention, Intellectual Property & Income

M Tucci

This week I learned about IP and came up with a project dissemmination plan.