Final Project Development

Fab Academy Barcelona

M Tucci

Project Development Learnings

I've included below my project plan which I used to track and execute key tasks and decisions needed to complete my final project. Overall this project plan worked well, and helped me use the weekly assignments to learn what I needed to complete my project. However, I felt it led me to pick a use case too early. I had many ideas come up later in the course as we explored electronics. I would have liked to explore these rapidly in the weekly assignments before committing to the final use case, rather than define a use case up front.

Project Plan

The below table tracks progress on final project. Table code generated with the help of ChatGPT.

I started by defining scope and picking a use case, I then broke down the key tasks to be completed and components I needed to familiarize myself with. Wherever possible I used the weekly assignment to explore these components (e.g. haptic motors in output week and the ToF sensor in input week).

Final Project Track - Michael Tucci - Fab Academy 2024 <
Brainstorm possible use cases. 15-Feb DONE ✅ See above on this project page.
Analyze existing, similar wearable devices and their features, including strengths and weaknesses. 15-Mar DONE ✅ TLDR: Wearables tend to focus inward (measuring body signals like heart rate). There are a few niche examples of interesting input/output wearables - especially out of David Eagleman's lab - but the big ones are focused on EITHER input or output (NOT both) and deliver information to the brain via sight/sound.
Pick initial use case. 15-Mar DONE ✅ Selected Eyes in back of head.
Define jobs to be done, including functionalities and features of the wearable device. Should sense motion or object on either side of field behind user, and transform to a vibration on a wearable on that side of the body. 30-Mar DONE ✅ V1 will use ToF distance sensors as input and and haptic motors as output, including directionatly (i.e. independent input/output capabilities on right and left side of body).
Decide on the form factor (e.g., worn on hands) and user interface design. 30-Mar DONE ✅ First version will be worn on back / around neck, with input and output in a single device. If I have time I will add input/output hand sensors too.
Choose / test suitable sensors for touch, motion sensing and haptic feedback. For input I am considering video, lidar (ToF), ultrasonic, or infrared (PIR) sensors. For output I will use haptic motors. 17-April DONE ✅ Will use VL53L0XToF sensor for input and haptic motors for output.
Select microcontroller. 17-April DONE ✅ I tested the SAMD11 and it was too small (memorywise) and hard to work with - I'll switch to use the Seed XIAO ESP23S3 (or C3) which is more modular, has more memory, and includes built in WiFi / Bluetooth.
Consider power management and battery options. May use battery pack for first version. 16-May DONE ✅ Purchased 3.7V Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
Develop first prototype to test the selected hardware components (e.g. touch sensors, haptics). 08-May DONE ✅ Created working model with my dev board.
Design and test wearability (how will it stay on, comfort, etc) 15-May DONE ✅
Design connectivity of individual components. 15-May DONE ✅
Develop input capability. 22-May DONE ✅
Develop output capability. 22-May DONE ✅
Develop input/output integration, including any interface with existing apps. 22-May Still working out integration.
User testing. 29-May DONE ✅
Prepare documentation for the device's functionalities and features. 29-May DONE ✅
Create user guides for both the hardware and software components. 29-May DONE ✅
Include troubleshooting tips and FAQs. 29-May Descoped
Finalize the wearable device design and hardware components. 05-Jun DONE ✅
Prepare final video demonstrating capability. 05-Jun DONE ✅
Present in June. 05-JunDONE ✅