Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Assignment 18 - Fab Academy Barcelona

M Tucci

This week I:

  1. Learned about IP & Commercialization
  2. Came up with a Project Dissemination Plan
  3. Thought about future opportunities


In class we were different forms and frameworks for intellectual property and commercializing produts. I also spent time documenting my final project and creating a overview slide and video presentation.

Final Project

Dissemination Plan

I don't plan to sell this product, however I would like to give others the ability to access the design, test it, and share their experience. The point of the project is really to see how with repeated use, people may integrate this new "sense" into their conscious experience and expectations about the world. For example, it would be interesting if people started to be able to sense the difference between a person approaches (e.g. at a more stable, cautious speed) vs. and object. Perhaps they would intuit the different patterns of vibrations and respond accordingly.

To allow for this I plan to:

  1. Share designs on open platforms like thingiverse.
  2. Share final project video on youtube.
  3. Link to final project page and documentation from these platforms so that people can have the full picture of the project purpose.
  4. Include my email so individuals can reach out and share their experience and stories - if I see enough interest I may share these publically as well (e.g. create a social media account to disseminate.

As I am not commercializing this product, I plan to share under the Creat Commons Noncommercial Sharealike 4.0 Framework. This means others are free to share and adapt materials as long as they give proper attribution and do not use for commercial purposes.

Future Opportunities

I plan for this to be the first prototype in a suite of wearables that allow technology to seamlessly integrate into "real life."

For this specific product I would like to:

  1. Centralize the control pack and have modular input and output wearables that can be positioned on different areas of the body, to allow for easier experimentation.
  2. Add a camera to sense people, faces, etc - likely using the XIAO esp32s3 MCU.

Ideas for future products include:

  1. Daily documentation: create a wearable with camera and microphone that allows user to quickly take snapshots or record voice notes to themselves throughout the day. These are then transcribed and put into a LLM like ChatGPT to create a summary.
  2. Touch sensing wearable on finger tips - they can sense patterns of touch and be integrated into app accordingly. For example an app could use these to sense finger placements allowing you to "type" or "write" without a keyboard.
  3. A wearable device that allows you to sense true north (e.g. vibrates when user is facing true north).