Week 16 - Applications and implications

My goal is to make a product that allows a user to retrofit a parking sensor to a vehicle which does not have one. This could be an older car, but also a trailer or other vehicle which does not normally come with these features. The product is attached to a vehicle using magnets inside the product. It communicates with the receiver module inside of the vehicle via 2.4ghz communication. It is important that my product looks simple and nice.

Who’s done what beforehand?

Erwin Kooi’s parking sensor
Robert Hart communication via nRF24L01 and SAMD11
Alejandro Ausejo’s bicycle Saflight

Parts list

Amount Item Description Price
2 SAMD11C The microcontrollers used on the boards. € 3,32
2 nRF24L01 Facilitates 2.4ghz communication. € 3,98
2 VL53L0X The distance sensors used. € 12,00
58gr Prusement PETG The enclosure for the devices. € 1,91
4 MKSA-10x5-NI-N52 Neodymium magnets holding the board to the car. € 3,00
6 AAA batteries AAA batteries to provide 4.5 Volts to the circuit. € 2,00
2 3x AAA battery bracket Battery bracket to hold the batteries. € 0,66
1 Piezo buzzer SMD piezo speaker. € 0,45
? Minor parts Resistors, capacitors, switch, nuts, bolts, wires. € 2,50
- Total € 29,82

Where will it come from?

These items can be found in our FabLab inventory. Magnets ordered from magneetgigant.nl.

What parts and systems will be made?

Both sender and receiver circuits will be made, as well as the enclosure.

What processes will be used?

Design processes: - Schematic and PCB design in KiCAD. - Enclosure and 3D design in Fusion 360. Production processes: - CNC milling - FDM 3D-printing - Soldering

What questions need to be answered?

  • How robust is the communication via 2.4ghz?
  • Robustness sensor measurements, how to deal with outliers?
  • Sensor aggregation necessary?
  • How to establish warning thresholds?

How will it be evaluated?

Is the system able to warn a user on time before an obstacle is hit? Does the product look nice?