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20. Final project requirements

Document a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering:

What does it do?

Who’s done what beforehand?

What did you design?

What materials and components were used?

Where did they come from?

How much did they cost?

What parts and systems were made?

What processes were used?

What questions were answered?

What worked? What didn’t?

How was it evaluated?

What are the implications?

Prepare a summary slide and a one minute video showing its conception, construction, and operation.

Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, additive and subtractive fabrication processes, electronics design and production, embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, system integration and packaging.

Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project. Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable. Present your final project, weekly and group assignments, and documentation.


Some questions are very similar to those of the Applications and Implications week, but with more defined ideas and more specifications at this point of the final project.

What does it do?

It is a folding module to display products, it has wheels so you can take it wherever you want and has a sensor system and motors to enlarge the space to double and add more products.

Who’s done what beforehand?

I have seen that there is folding furniture, but it is not designed to be moved with wheels as if it were a suitcase with wheels and a folding product display in one project. I proposed this project because of my own experience in entrepreneurship fairs.

What did you design?

I call it “Folding display stand”

What materials and components were used?

For structure:

MDF 3mm

3d printing

Acrylic 3mm

For decoration:


For electronics:

Copper plates

Attiny 44 and Attiny 45 Microcontrollers

End stop limit switch

Stepper motor

Power supply

Additional elements such as resistors, capacitors, FTDI, ISP, resonator, wires, etc.

Where did they come from?

The materials are provided by the Fab Lab Esan node where I am located, I only had to buy the end-of-travel sensor from a local supplier.

How much did they cost?

What parts and systems were made?

Each part, for a moment I wanted to buy certain parts like the wheels, but in the end I designed them, the structure that holds the motor and rack, is mainly made of 3d printing with an MDF base and the rest of the structure is made of 3mm acrylic so that the products can be displayed and MDF supports for safety.

What processes were used?

3D printing: I designed in Fusion 360 and I used the Flashforge Guider II printer.

Laser cutting: 2D exporting files from Fusion 360 and I used the Speedy 400 laser cutter.

Plate design: I designed in Eagle and I use the Roland Modela MDX-20 milling machine

Programming: I used Arduino IDE

What questions were answered?

3D design with measurements and correct tolerance for assembly of parts, varies according to the material and position in which it will be placed. It took a long time, several proofs, several changes and hours of printing but it was worth it when everything came together.

Mechanism operation with motors and rack and pinion.

Plate design and programming.

What worked? What didn’t?

The sockets have worked well of the pieces that are already printed in PLA filament.

I had problems with the programming because there was no error when I tried to program, so I redid the board.

The electronics are a mystery because apparently everything was well soldered and connected.

How was it evaluated?

The motor and rack mechanism must work correctly. The assembly of the parts must fit together The sensor must stop the rack travel.

What are the implications?

You can see the whole process and more details in this page dedicated to my final project here:


Last update: July 25, 2022