

From a young age I have been fascinated by drawing and creating things. Now as a young man I enjoy designing and creating things to help others or to help me in my order and conford.
Well, here I share two designs that I made, one is a system to communicate remotely using holograms and the other design is a drone or robot that takes care of the garden and takes the readings of the growth and care that these must have..

============== IDEAS ==============

Idea-1 Holocam

I wanted to retake an idea that occurred to me when I was taking my course in Video Production Ipad, it occurred to me to do something similar to the holographic communicators used in StarWars. My idea is the communication of 3 elements to carry out the communication. Lenses, camera and mobile application.
I show some designs and sketches.

Sketches A1: Some models for the cam Holocam.

Sketch 01.0.

Sketch 01.1.

Sketch 01.2.

Sketch 01.3.

Sketch 01.4.

Sketches A1: Some models for the lenses of Holocam.

Sketch 02.0.

Sketch 02.1.

Sketches A2: A idea of the App of Holocam

Sketch 03.0.

Sketch 03.1.

Sketches A3: Holocam sketch system design and user guide.

Sketch 04.0.

Sketch 04.1.

Sketch 04.2.

Sketch 04.3.

Sketch 04.4.

Idea-2 3OW Garden Drone

My second idea is to make a gardener drone, At first I thought it was a robot but better said it was a drone with extending arms, This drone will help my mother with the care and beautification and maintain the garden.
My mother works for the government of my country and does not give her time to take care of the garden. She loves plants and flowers, for this reason, I decided to invent this mechanical help.
Here are some sketches and designs.

Sketches B1: Some models for the drone 3-OW

Sketch 01.0.

Sketch 01.1

Sketch 01.3

Sketches B2: The sketch for the basic function of the 3-OW

Sketch 02.

Sketches B3: Scketch in 3d for the drone.

Sketch 01.4

Sketch 01.5

Sketch 01.6