
These wings have been a project that I have wanted to undertake for a long time. I made a rough version for the last comicon and decided then that I would wanted them to be anamatronic. For the full effect they have to be moving the entire time. I need to make multible versions of them to test out several things that I want to tinker with. Like WiFi movement. LED programming to fit a song or choreographed movements. Many charaters have wings that people like to cosplay as so I will in the end make several versions of them.


Plan for dissemination?

I make Cosplay costumes and compete in competitions, like at Comicons. Lately my sister has been my model and I have been making and designing costumes for her needs. She is in a wheelchair partially so everything is done with that in mind and traveling abroad to compete. I have to work around her needs so everything needs to be light and easy to put on and take off. I wanted her to be able to interchange out the wings so that she could have super big wings for the stage performance and smaller wings to wear for the cons.

Future Possibilites?

I want the wings to be bigger and have programming for the lights. I also want to be able to control the wings and the lights from my phone. The ability to preprogram a series would be great since the stage performance always includes a dance, skit or something like that, that is pre rehersed. I want to get bigger servos and even have 4 of them working so the wings can be even bigger. This has loads of possibilites and time will show what direction we take it in.


#Blink Video size started at 139 MB Using the ffmpeg cheat sheet that can be found here I used ffmpeg with the command: ffmpeg -i My_Movie.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 37 -preset medium -vf scale=-2:1080 -acodec libmp3lame -q:a 4 -ar 48000 -ac 2 presentation.mp4 Using this command I was able to compress the video size down to 8.87 MB

Reykjavik 10:20:00 EDT Gabriella Arnadottir

  • Final Project Idea

  • License

    “This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License”.

    My project is open source and is shared on this website and possibly in the future on its own repository on Git. I want others to be able to use as they want but give me attribution. I do not want others to use my project for profit.

    I chose to use a Creative Commons license. Specifically, the "CC BY-NC-SA" license. Here’s a breakdown of what each component means:

    CC (Creative Commons): This indicates that the work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

    BY (Attribution): This part of the license means that others can copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and derivative works based upon it, but only if they give credit to the original author.

    NC (Non-Commercial): This means that others can copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and derivative works based upon it, but for non-commercial purposes only. They cannot use the work for commercial purposes.

    SA (ShareAlike): This allows others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original work. In other words, if they alter, transform, or build upon your work, they may distribute the resulting work only under the same license.


    Attribution: You must give appropriate credit.

    Non-Commercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

    ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.


    This whole project was fun to work on. Along the way I learned so many things that I didnt expect. Its hard to figure out the balance of structurally stable and light. Also I will have to continue to figure out how to cover them without warping. I have ordered several materials to try out. I want the entire thing to be controlled by my phone so that there is no need to push buttons on the back. That means I can cover the PCB board completely and there will be no issue of fabric snagging on it. Molding the backplate to the back will be good too.