Machines, Programs and Tools

Mac computer, Vinylcutter, Inkscape, Textile vinyl, Sweater, Heatpress, tweeezers, Squeegee, Painting Tape Onshap, Cardboard, Vinyl, Plexi, tweeezers, Squeegee, Cloth and Painting Tape.



VinylCutter: Catan

One of my family friends has a Catan board game. It‘s the Star Trek version and it doesn‘t really have an expansion so I decided to make one. In that version, the tiles have planets, so I decided to make vinyl stickers for the planets and and stickers for the numbers number tiles.

I opened Inkscape and press on text and Font to create the vinyl stickers numbers (2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12)(2:1)(3:1). Then I press on that circle to create a form to see how large the numbers should be. I made the circle that will be used for the planet (I accidentally Flip horizontally the numbers as if I was gonna put them for a textile vinyl). I made sure that Fill and stroke, I made sure the Fill was off and Stroke was RGB, R was set to 255 G, was set to 0, B was set to 0. And Stroke style set to width 0,02 mm. I saved image as PDF.

Then I open the file in the computer attached to the vinylcutter. I got the vinyl from the extra in bin, put in the machine set the machine on peace to get the measurements open the file in the computer press get measurements from machine and press print. And the vinylcutter was done printing. (I managed to find colours that fit with the board game and the exhaust bin)(the only colours I didn‘t find in the access bin yellow light, green, light, blue and orange).

I put painting tape over the top, so I could use the stickers for later.

  • 4 Planets/2:1
  • 3 planets/2:1
  • 6./8
  • 3:1
  • 2-5/9.-12

  • LaserCutter: Catan

    I started by using Inkscape to create a basic hexagon. After that, I created the tiles 9 cm, border tiles 1.5 cm and then a circle tile 2.5 cm. The border joint piece was created by using premade version.

    When I arrived at Fab lab Reykjavík to cut out the piece instructor told me I was use the wrong program to create the piece, so I decided to learn new program called Onshape.

    In Onshape, I figured out how to import the file from Inkscape as a image so I could work with the pattern I had started with I cut out a test piece out of cardboard, but the showing were irregular so they didn’t fit together on all sites so I Decided to make a new piece.

    I started from scratch this time and Onshape by using the basic hexagon pattern and adding the pieces I needed as i did that in Inkscape. I tried a bunch of different ways to try to make a joint on the hexagon but it wouldn’t let me do the shortcut way. After a day and a half I figured I should just input it that it’s themselves one by one while I was creating the joints. I found a mirror button that allows me to mirror. I’m 6 ways that helped when I when I was sure that measurements were right, I turned the file into a drawing, then exported as a PDF, so.

    I opened Inkscape want to file pressed import pressed.I made sure that Fill and stroke, I made sure the Fill was off and Stroke was RGB, R was set to 255 G, was set to 0, B was set to 0. And Stroke style set to width 0,02 mm. I saved image as PDF.

    I opened the file and the computer attached to lasercutter to be cut out. That’s where I figure out while I was cutting it out in cardboard somewhere along the way it changed the measurements.

    Them, then I opened it in Inkscape to change the measurements to fit, fit the tiles of the board game and try to cut it out again. The hexagon tiles from the board worked, but the circle tiles didn’t fit so I opened it and Inkscape again to fix the circle tiles, so it wouldn’t be a snuck, and cut it for the fourth time that was the perfect fit for the board game.

    Then I decided to cut it out in a plexi glass black to mimic the fact I was galaxy that need to paint and it has the fact if someone spills on the tiles they won’t get ruined.

  • one tile
  • multiple tiles

  • Sketches


    VinylCutter: Coaches Sweater

    I coach kids from the age 6 to 10 in my the league. We mainly use pictures to teach. so I thought of using the Ták með tali. (TMT has simplified version of ASL) four the kids to recognise the word coach and my name Because it‘s used frequently in kindergartens and some schools.

    I screenshot the image for lizard and teacher(I need to screenshot it because it wouldn‘t let me download the image).

    I opened Inkscape want to file pressed import pressed Trace Bitmap and cleaned up the image Flip horizontally. Make sure that the image with the executors on the coach a sweater. I made sure that Fill and stroke, I made sure the Fill was off and Stroke was RGB, R was set to 255 G, was set to 0, B was set to 0. And Stroke style set to width 0,02 mm. I saved image as PDF.

    Then I open the file in the computer attached to the vinylcutter. I got the texile vinyltextile vinyl from the extra in bin, put in the machine set the machine on peace to get the measurements open the file in the computer press get measurements from machine and press print. And the vinylcutter was done printing.

    I took off the access material put the sticker on my coaches sweater, one on the back underneath the coach lettering put in the and put it in the heatpress and the other one on my right shoulder and put in the heatpress.

  • Edla
  • Kenari