Week 9. Output Devices

The code for this week can be found here! This week we worked on output devices. I remade my development board from last week into a new one that was much more modular. This is last week's board: Week 8 devboard And this week's new board PCB design: Dev Board V2 PCB The files for the board as well as the various daughter boards can be found here! The new board incorporates the same USB, flashing and RGB LED, but has two added LEDs, on powered directly from the USB 5V and the other one powered by the 3.3V of the power regulator. The rest of the board is just headers to connect to other boards. Audio DevBoard V2 The first other board I made includes some capacitive touch pads in order to get some touch readings. Pads Section I then made an audio output section, which is a very basic 3.5mm jack output with a 10K ohm potentiometer, to regulate the signal level. Audio output section All the different boards have LED lights which are connected directly to power and ground, so they indicate when the board is plugged in. Once put together, and with a lot of borrowing from Quentin Bolsee, I managed to output a simple square wave and change the RGB LED colour when pushing the pads! NEED TO EXPLAIN THE CODE!