1. Project Management 2. Computer Aided Design 3. Computer Controlled Cutting 4. Embeded Programming 5. 3D Scanning and Printing 6. Electronics Design 7. Computer Controlled Machining 8. Electronics Production 9. Output Devices 10. Mechanical Design and Machine Design 11. Input Devices 12. Molding and Casting 13. Networking and Communications 14. Interface and Application Programming 15. Wild Card 16. Applications and Implications 17. Invention, IP and Income 18. Project Development

Invention, IP, and Income


Individual Assignment:

  1. Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory.

Final Project Slide

Final Project Slide

Final Project Video


Serenity Now- Do Not Disturb Desk Light is the name of my project. It is a device that sits on your desk to indicate when one is busy or available. This lamp is not my own invention as there are many commercially available options. They range from inexpensive, simple colored flags stands that one can place on the desk to indicate availability to expensive lighted beacons. Examples links found on my Final Project Page.

The Serenity Now desk light will incorporate an LCD touch screen on the top of the device to set availability. It will be constructed out of 3D printed parts as well as laser cut acrylic sides. It will be adorned with printed vinyl labels indicating the device name.

Intellectual Property

Just like all Fab Academy students, this work is backed by the MIT License, which is an Open Source initiative. Anyone who clicks into my website can use my documentation without restrictions can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and even sell copies of the software. Everything I do for this and other Fab Academy projects is for public use. I want to use a Creative Commons license. I plan to use the following license for my project.

Serenity Now - Desk lamp by Andrew Bruening is marked with CC0 1.0