1. Project Management 2. Computer Aided Design 3. Computer Controlled Cutting 4. Embeded Programming 5. 3D Scanning and Printing 6. Electronics Design 7. Computer Controlled Machining 8. Electronics Production 9. Output Devices 10. Mechanical Design and Machine Design 11. Input Devices 12. Molding and Casting 13. Networking and Communications 14. Interface and Application Programming 15. Wild Card 16. Applications and Implications 17. Invention, IP and Income 18. Project Development

Computer-Controlled Cutting


Group Assignment:

Characterize your lasercutter's focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, joint clearance and types.

Group Assignment

Laser Cutting Tutorial:

You need these programs:

Photo of Laser Programs

Using the Laser Cutter:

Photo of Laser Instructions

In order to determine the proper design dimensions for a good “press fit” accounting for the kerf (the laser burns away a portion of material when it cuts through) we used the following designs to find the proper fitting depending on the thickness of the material.

Photo of Laser Programs

Example: While the material is ¼ (.25) inches thick, a slot that is .25 leaves too much wiggle room for a proper fit.

Photo of Laser Programs

Vinyl Cutting Tutorial

You need these programs:
Photo of Vinyl Programs
Getting Started/Design:
Photo of Design Instructions
Using the Vinyl Cutter:
Photo of Printing Instructions

Project: We have been helping the senior class design and press 133 sweatshirts using the vinyl cutter and heat transfer press. Through this process, we have run into many issues that required trouble shooting and have been able to determine the best settings to use for various materials and designs.

Here are photos of the finished design:

Photo of Senior Hoodies

Here are photos of some of the problems we have experienced and the solutions:

Photo of Troubleshooting1 Photo of Troubleshooting2

Individual assignment:

Cut something on the vinylcutter design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, accounting for the lasercutter kerf, which can be assembled in multiple ways, and for extra credit include elements that aren't flat

Individual Laser Cutter Assignment:

For this project I decided to revisit something that I made several years ago. In the original design I did not use parametric dimensioning. I have use parametric dimensions before but not in Onshape so there was bit of learning to do there. Ultimately, I created a box with snap fit box joints.

Started by creating sketch in Onshape by selecting the top plane to sketch from. I then realized I forgot to create the variable formulas needed for parametric dimensions so I had to save the initial sketch and create the formulas.

CAD Design and Laser Cut Process

  1. Open Onshape
  2. onshape
  3. Create new document and name document
  4. Create variable for parametric dimensions. A driven or parametric dimension is a reference parameter that reports a measurement value for the associated geometry. It does not define or drive the geometry and therefore cannot be directly edited.
  5. onshape variable onshape1 variables Parametric dimensioning
  6. Select sketch plane
  7. onshape sketch
  8. Select corner rectangle tool to being creating base of box
  9. Select corner rectangel tool again to start making box joint tabs.
  10. onshape
  11. Dimension length and height of box and tabs using variables established at the beginning.
  12. box dimensions
  13. Repeat for each side of the box as well as the ends.
  14. box dimensions
  15. After all dimensions are set click finish sketch and extrude geometry to create 3D parts
  16. box 3D
  17. Assemble parts to make sure box fits together properly
  18. box assembly
  19. Create drawing file of parts to export to laser cutter.
  20. box assembly
  21. Open Affinity Designer and import drawing file of box to prep for laser cutter. In Affinity Designer I have to edit line thikness to make sure that they will read as vectors in the Epilog laser cutter. Lines must have a thickness of .01pt in order to be read as vectors.
  22. affinity designer line width
  23. .....

Laser Cut Box Version 1

laser box v1

First attempt at assembly of the box. I realized I had made an error on one of the dimensions so I had to go back and inspect the original sketch and dimensions. I will admit that I did not do the full assembly in Onshape prior to laser cutting the parts.

After looking back at the sketch I realized I created a dimension off of the wrong edge line. So after correcting the dimension placement I recut box and it all worked out.

Laser Cut Box Version 2

final box final box

Laser Cutter - Lessons Learned 1

Even though I have used the laser cutter many times before and I have years of CAD experience, I learned a few things completing this project.

  1. I learned how to use the variable tool to create parametric dimensions I also should have created formulas from one base dimension rather than creating a variable for each change in part geometry this way I would only have to change one variable and the rest would adapt to that one change.
  2. I learned to be more careful when creating dimensions on a sketch.
  3. I learned to fully assemble parts in CAD to make sure they will assemble after fabrication.
  4. I learned that not all materials are created to the same quality. One of the parts cut on the laser did not cut all the way through...but only in random small segments. I think the coor of the plywood had more dense wood preventing a full depth cut.

Vinyl Cutting - Sticker

  1. Open Affinity Designer or other 2D design tool.
  2. Create new document and name document.
  3. Create logo or 2D design to be cut.
  4. Affinity Designer Maker
  5. Open Cricut.
  6. cricut
  7. Upload file to be cut.
  8. cricut
  9. Change design to be single color.
  10. cricut
  11. Select entire design and select the "Unite" tool.
  12. cricut
  13. Send to cutter.
  14. vinyl cutter materials
  15. After cut weed design to be transferred.
  16. vinyl cutter sticker transfer
  17. Cut transfer paper and press onto cut vinyl.
  18. Place transfer paper with design on surface where you want the sticker.
  19. Vinyl Sticker-complete Vinyl Sticker

Design Files

assembled box

box stl file