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17. Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models

This week is about intellectual property and business. Basically, I’ve created something, could I potentially make a business from it? What do I want to do with it from here?

Final Project Slide


Final Project Video



I’ve decided to go with the Creative Commons license. I want to continue to develop and refine my project, but I also want people to be able to use it. I have a lot of ideas for it that I plan on continuing to develop.

The main thing about this project is how simple it is. It’s just a fancy calendar, hardly innovative, so putting any sort of limit on it seems a bit silly.

Dissemination Plan

I’ll be honest, I haven’t given much thought to running or creating a business. It’s an interesting idea, and not one I’m unfamiliar with (I’ve bought enough from small businesses and artists to see a bit of how it works), but it also seemed like a very abstract concept. And stressful. Can’t forget that.

For now, I’m simply going to leave it as a Fab Academy project. I’m not planning on advertising or actively distributing my work. I’ve shared my site with family and friends, but that’s as far as I’m going.

If others would like to use my progress or project as inspiration in the future, I ask that you please credit and attribute my work to Cori Summers.

Future Work

As mentioned above, I want to continue working on this project. The Weekly Edition turned into its own separate project, essentially a proof of concept, but one that stands on its own, and has all the same potential as the full calendar.

I have some ideas about how to make it more interactive, maybe have it remotely accessible so people can change the colors from an app. I think this would be useful in a classroom environment too. I want to keep the physical writing aspect of the project.

Last update: June 6, 2022