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About me

My name is Nicholas Niles. I am a Sophomore in highschool and I go to Charlotte Latin School in North Carolina. Prior to Fab I spent a lot of time coding and making video games using Unity as well as occasionally building a thing or two at h

My website will host all my Fab Academy work.

My background

I was born in Charlotte, North Carolina and have lived here most of my life.

Previous Work

I have been taking engineering here at Charlotte Latin since the 7th grade taking every single possible engineering course and doing all the engineering extracurriculars I could possibly fit in. Still 3 years later engineering and making is my main interest and I love doing it.

Reason for Taking Fab Academy

I have been hearing about and wanting to take fab academy since the 8th grade, so for about 2 years. I absolutely love engineering and wanted to take Fab Academy to truly challenge and prove myself as an engineer/maker. I was very interested in and wanting to learn and expand my knowledge of all walks of engineering. I want to also add that so far, having written this after Week 10, there have been many magical moments for me in Fab Academy. I have multiple memories of a concept clicking, a project working, or even just new game changing knowledge truly hitting me and the magical feeling/sense you get in those moments. I remember after first programming a chip on a board was a revolutionary night for me because before that all I knew how to do was push code to an arduino, or another night where I got my pump to work for the first time was another huge moment for me. I take Fab for not only the knowledge but additionally the moments like this.

Last update: April 6, 2022